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These discussions always end up with desertbred (quite rightly) standing up for his religion. The trouble is we have the muslim views rammed down our throats on a daily basis, and yet when someone here gives their personal views, it is somehow classed as wrong or racist, or both.


Our head of state, the Queen, is Defender of the Faith - which so happens to be Christian. Therefore we are a Christian country. I'm not religious, but I accept that fact. If someone wants to live in a muslim country, go and live in one. No-one is stopping anyone. You cannot and will not turn Britain into another third world shithole.


My personal view is multiculturalsim simply does not work. Never has done, never will do. I'm sure others disagree with that, but that's my view and all the browbeating and threatening to brand me as a racist won't change that.

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Yes you live here but you want to live here under your rules ... You know that your daughter won't get an education in that shit hole Iran that's why you have brought her here so you can use this coun

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I dont see how racism comes ijnto everything everyone is entitled to an opinion and free speech. I defend my faith when it is attacked you will not find me defending scum bags like Choudhry, Hamza, Qatadar etc Yes it is a Christian country and people are proud of it which is right Believe it or not we even have a Jewish community living in Iran as well as Christians Seikhs etc some of the radicls do on occaission interfere with these minorities but under The law of the State which is Shariat the state is obliged to protect these minorities they even pay an islamic tax that guarantees this protection the only condition is they do not try to undermine the State. Which British law should also apply here to the likes of Choudhry and Co

Edited by desertbred
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Muslims go on about the crusades all the time but what they never ask themselves is why they started yes we may have what you could say officially started them but why ? Look at the maps of Muslim controlled lands at the start of the first crusade. What was Constantinople etc then fast forward a few centuries they were pushing up through south west Europe up to Vienna etc. Baw you say most of them want peace but you look at the Muslim world when a few cartoons get printed they will never live in peace with us where they have the manpower and numbers to not have to they are obliged not to it is totally clear and believe me I ain't someone that just follows blindly what others say and do I make up my mind on what I see from both points and anyone that knows me knows why. What they also don't understand is Jerusalem is OUR most hokey place yes it is very important to them but if Mecca was controlled by Christians you think any living Muslim could accept this? That's not to say I agree with how the Israeli government treats Palestinians and how they just kept taking but and a big but since 1947 they have been attacked from every side and going through the holocaust they were bound to defend themselves so it goes round and round. But all I'm bothered about is bringIng my kids up in a non multicultural Britain where they ain't targeted by any Muslim black or yellow youths where they are not competing for resources with people who have no no loyalty and care about this countries future and past just no common goal just what they can fetid that so bad? I also believe every other race creed whatever should have the same in their own historical lands

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the division of Juerusalem goes back before the crusades Islam goes back 1465 years Christianity 2,000 years Judaism more than 10,000 the Jews and the Muslims have A common ancestor in Abraham he had 2 sons Issaac and Ishmail one son Isaac went down the path of the Jew and Ishmail down the path of what eventually was named Islam . so the conflict goes way back before the crusades

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the division of Juerusalem goes back before the crusades Islam goes back 1465 years Christianity 2,000 years Judaism more than 10,000 the Jews and the Muslims have A common ancestor in Abraham he had 2 sons Issaac and Ishmail one son Isaac went down the path of the Jew and Ishmail down the path of what eventually was named Islam . so the conflict goes way back before the crusades history has a habit of bringing truth to the surface.

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the division of Juerusalem goes back before the crusades Islam goes back 1465 years Christianity 2,000 years Judaism more than 10,000 the Jews and the Muslims have A common ancestor in Abraham he had 2 sons Issaac and Ishmail one son Isaac went down the path of the Jew and Ishmail down the path of what eventually was named Islam . so the conflict goes way back before the crusades


Well at some point it needs to end because the Palestinians are as much a victim of their own side as anything. They're being used as a political pawn.

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the division of Juerusalem goes back before the crusades Islam goes back 1465 years Christianity 2,000 years Judaism more than 10,000 the Jews and the Muslims have A common ancestor in Abraham he had 2 sons Issaac and Ishmail one son Isaac went down the path of the Jew and Ishmail down the path of what eventually was named Islam . so the conflict goes way back before the crusades

Exactly, all Abrahamic religions are all basically based on the same stories, it's just they are being interpreted differently.. Even within each there are factions who would see each other wiped out for having a slightly different view of the same subject.,
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Crikey what a load of political bollocks, just summarise it as everyone has done wrong to everyone else and try to move on. Our history shows we have invaded 9/10 countries in the world, sometimes good is done and sometimes akin to the other atrocities every nation has committed. Or in other words, arguing the entire world history on a hunting forum is inane.


Also if you had to choose the current nation that profits most from wars and crimes against humanity it is the USA, even the UK is the world's 6th largest arms dealer and for a tiny island that is quite impressive isn't it? So we and our allies are the ones arming the people/nations that the same governments call the enemy, it is greed and insanity beautifully combined.


But also looking at the modern world, which nations have the worst cases of terrorism in their own lands? which have the least freedom? which have the worst equality for women/homosexuals and which nations seems locked in the iron age and constantly at civil war? Is it the Western world or is it Islamic states? :hmm: The fact is we have nothing to gain or learn from Islamic culture, it is a retardation of society and needs to be dragged into civilisation before they start launching nukes.


On the other hand anyone who has mentioned Christian values is equally deluded, if you read the Bible it is full of the same evil drivel as the Koran and there are Christian fundamentalists who pray every day for the apocalypse, something like 30% of Americans believe the end will come in their lifetime. They do perform acts of terrorism but even worse is this absurd faith is the reason America puts so little care into climate change research or gives a shit about the future, because many don't believe it matters at all. Then there is the constant attack on science and daft creationists etc etc.


But the difference is most Christians are not fundamentalists, the vast majority barely know what's in the Bible they just pick up a few beliefs from their parents. However Muslims are more likely to be indoctrinated and generally are akin to a creationist Christian, they memorise the Koran in Arabic from a young age and their whole lives are dictated by their religion, it is just far more ingrained.



So Desertbred is a westernised Muslim but I did ask you a question in another thread before it go locked I would love to hear your opinion on, please tell me what you believe the punishment for apostasy should be and what do you think the Koran says about it?


Also, the Koran clearly states over a dozen times that kaffar/infidel/non-believers should either be killed, not be pitied, not trust etc so why do you ignore these passages? Are you not just cherry picking? :hmm: If people like those you call c**ts are just cherry picking the other way, in what way are they not following the Koran any more than you? They are following a legitimate and popular interpretation of the same book.


If you say it is obviously wrong then in what way do you need religion to act in a good way as so many theists claim?

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The Qran says that an apostate who turns away from his faith is manafiq which means none believer, if he then returns to his faith he is accepted back if he again turns away from his faith he then becomes a muttahid and there is no way back he will answer to Allah on the day of judgement if he lives his life then live it if he tries to turn others away from thier faith then the prescribed punishment is death and yes I accept that. If a Christian is attacked the Bible says turn the other cheek and let the assailant slap that also do Christians do that or do they cherry pick as you call it? In Islam it says if you are attacked then defend yourself no turn the other cheek so pretty clear and straight forward. I am about as far from being westernised as you can get my life is lived according to my faith which is Islam. When you read the Qran you do not pick out isolated verses you read several together and then cross reference them with other revelations in other verses and chapters this is where the Ayatollahs who spend thier entire lives studying the Qran get thier understanding The Mullahs and radicals like the ones you have experience of here in the west have very little knowledge or education and are certainly brainwashed at a young age. Most of the Islamic Scholars I know have studied and have equal knowledge of Qran , Bible Jewish Torah Sikh Garunth etc so they are not speaking from lack of knowledge. The regulat Verse quoted id kill the infidel this is clearly if they make war on you or attack you no where is a Muslim told to commit terrorism or make war without just cause which invariably would involve an attack on Islam The Prophet or the Muslim people. You people keep asking me questions then when I explain to the best of my ability I am then accused of pushing Islam down peoples throats or defending terrorism so my answer to you is a question who does the cherry picking? The books the other Sects use are basically four scholars these four scholars all studied under A shia scholar Called Imam jaffar Sadiq so again you are attempting to teach me my own faith or the history to it which unfortunately you are not able to do.. If you want to continue with this take it to PM.

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