desertbred 5,490 Posted June 4, 2013 Report Share Posted June 4, 2013 On 04/06/2013 at 18:50, socks said: What it will do is make you hate the Islamic religion even more ... The atrocities I have witnessed by muslims in Bosnia Kosovo Iraq Afghanistan and a dozen more shitholes would keep you in nightmares for the rest of your life ........... Edited to add that was a reply to dessertbreds last question I put in 30 so not a lot shocks me and certainly not nightmares I know there has to be a better way than war and terrorism which incedently isnt all one sided Link to post Share on other sites
darkie 143 Posted June 4, 2013 Report Share Posted June 4, 2013 terrible attrocitys have been committed on boths sides,remember those photos of men stripped naked and put into sexaul positions,what sort of twisted f**k does that,how can people look up to and admire and call heros people who do things like that,youve got to rise above other peoples standards .would it be right for jews to gas germans, Link to post Share on other sites
Frann 882 Posted June 4, 2013 Report Share Posted June 4, 2013 On 04/06/2013 at 19:22, walshie said: Every man is entitled to his religion if he has one. But that religion can cloud the issue and may one day force them to decide between the country they live in and their own religious beliefs. Coming to this country and demanding sharia law is a joke. We wouldn't go to some Middle Eastern country and demand British rules and regulations. We would either go there and accept the law of the land, or just not go there at all. Personally I think the islamic way of life is like something out of the history books and not one I admire, so rather than go and live in an muslim country then spend every day moaning about it, it's best just not to go there surely? Ironically these people who hate our country and laws so much are the ones who use it to their own ends, tell everyone how bad it is here, then hide behind the British law they despise so much so no-one says boo to them. WHY can't I hate someone who condones killing British soldiers? WHY would I care if someone brands me with the word "racist"? WHY am I paying my taxes in order to keep some of these people so they can spend all their days poisoning everyone against us? I used to believe in live and let live, but I just don't understand any more. WHY? Good post Walshie mate Link to post Share on other sites
THE STIFFMEISTER 16,358 Posted June 4, 2013 Report Share Posted June 4, 2013 On 04/06/2013 at 18:22, desertbred said: On 04/06/2013 at 18:18, Phil Lloyd said: Desertbred,...I am an old hunter,..and as a trader,..followed the hippy trail throughout the Middle East,...long before you were born... I would beg to differ with those that hate the Iranians, Afghans, etc,...simply because, they never did me any harm... However,.back in the day, things were different,..there was always an undercurrent of menace and danger,.and I've nearly 'copped it' on several ocassions,..but,..I chose to walk that path,..and Inshallah ,.I have survived.. The fact of the matter is,..IF you act the c**t in a Middle Eastern country,.you will get fecked, and I do mean, proper fecked,..and in my opinion,.the same should apply to those who would choose to live in the UK....Sharia Law will not work here,..and we will not allow it.. Anyone who cannot handle this fact,.would be wise to return to a country that fecking will allow it... End of story.... I doubt if it was long before I was born you again making an assumption also I dont ask you to obey anything only the law of the land as I do so what is you point hippie? surprised you remember your trip and werent drugged out of your mind Show some respect, PLs were calming words on a potentially flaming arguement. You know fine well that that horrific part of the world needs dragging kicking and screaming into something looking like the rest of humanity...Thats why NATO are there, not for oil or minerals or f***ing masonic / illuminate conspiracy theories, Its a land thats barely changed since Jesus walked the earth in both landscape and laws....They might not want it but now the big boys know this country inside out , theres no hiding place for those that seek to destroy our way of life...They might not like it, It might leave a sour taste in the gaurdian readers mouths....BUT its RIGHT.....Shit bust we have a moral obligation to stop these people.... 1 Link to post Share on other sites
stewie 3,387 Posted June 5, 2013 Report Share Posted June 5, 2013 On 04/06/2013 at 14:42, staffs riffraff said: On 04/06/2013 at 10:19, desertbred said: On 04/06/2013 at 09:52, bobby blackheart said: hang the b*****ds and show it on the tele and all around the world-then see if they want to live here and still keep trying to turn britain into another law less state they cant run/look after the lands that they come from-why the f**k this country allows them to come here and live i dont know-they cant even RESPECT WOMEN/CHILDREN of their own kind OUR GOVERMENT WOULD HURT ITS OWN PEOPLE BEFORE IT WOULD BANISH THESE PIECES OF SHITE-they got more rights than US THE PEOPLE OF THIS ISLANDYou complain the British Goverment cant look after the rights of its own people yet is it ok for the British Goverment to go to Places like Iraq , Afghanistan Palastine etc to impose thier will there but cant protect the rights of thier own people bit of a contradiction. Another contradiction is that "they cant respect women of thier own kind, the same can be said here in the uk or other countries around the world one thing that I do understand that your type vitrionics dont solve a f*****g thing every woman and child in the world should have respect and honour it should not be dependant on colour or religion or which geographical location you happen to live, Final point you say "they are not able to look after the lands they come from " the majority of third world countries were looted pilaged and raped when members of the British Empire or Commonwealth so where excactly does responsibility lie in your well informed opinion?There lies the problem with black and Muslim people lol it's always the big bad empires fault dearth vader is to blame lol what have the countries of the former empire achieved since independence ? Look at Kenya they had an economy rivalling some in Europe before they were self governed even that great man mr barrack Obama (another anti Brit/European) brother is on film saying it was better when under British rule. Look at south Africa now after appatheid (yes totally wrong I agree) but when it was run by white settlers even being a pariah state was a lot better than the other African economies. Look how when hong kong was handed back to china see how china has rapidly changed seeing how affluent honkg kiong was and how it was being run and in the days of the empirei don't think we really had the technology to rape whole countries of every bit of wealth they had and I am sick of it being rammed down our throats put it this way if it wasn't for British /western European colonialism the world would be a lot worse as we also gave a huge amount back to those countries not just took. What about the roman empire shall we blame them ? What about thr persion empire hey that was a great one wasnt it? And finally yes all women children and men also should live in peace with respect etc but look where they are suffering the most. Do you see European parents with there children on national television brainwashing little 5 year old kids into becoming suicide bombers and martyrs and even installing hate in such young kids ? No but I know what part of the world does just look at how people from that part of the world treat our young girls/women. And lastly I thought some were maybe a bit harsh on the other thread to you but your quote says it all if you don't like this government etc why even be here but f forgot your daughter is beingeducated here by facilities from the government That is so bad but let's you live here in peace go about your daily life live under whichever way you decide to interpret your faith that day even if it conflicts with the indigenous population. And one last thing other countries freedom fighters are in this country branded as racists how does that work out lol shut up you irish kunt........... Link to post Share on other sites
paulus 26 Posted June 5, 2013 Report Share Posted June 5, 2013 On 04/06/2013 at 23:12, THE STIFFMEISTER said: On 04/06/2013 at 18:22, desertbred said: On 04/06/2013 at 18:18, Phil Lloyd said: Desertbred,...I am an old hunter,..and as a trader,..followed the hippy trail throughout the Middle East,...long before you were born... I would beg to differ with those that hate the Iranians, Afghans, etc,...simply because, they never did me any harm... However,.back in the day, things were different,..there was always an undercurrent of menace and danger,.and I've nearly 'copped it' on several ocassions,..but,..I chose to walk that path,..and Inshallah ,.I have survived.. The fact of the matter is,..IF you act the c**t in a Middle Eastern country,.you will get fecked, and I do mean, proper fecked,..and in my opinion,.the same should apply to those who would choose to live in the UK....Sharia Law will not work here,..and we will not allow it.. Anyone who cannot handle this fact,.would be wise to return to a country that fecking will allow it... End of story.... I doubt if it was long before I was born you again making an assumption also I dont ask you to obey anything only the law of the land as I do so what is you point hippie? surprised you remember your trip and werent drugged out of your mind Show some respect, PLs were calming words on a potentially flaming arguement. You know fine well that that horrific part of the world needs dragging kicking and screaming into something looking like the rest of humanity...Thats why NATO are there, not for oil or minerals or f*****g masonic / illuminate conspiracy theories, Its a land thats barely changed since Jesus walked the earth in both landscape and laws....They might not want it but now the big boys know this country inside out , theres no hiding place for those that seek to destroy our way of life...They might not like it, It might leave a sour taste in the gaurdian readers mouths....BUT its RIGHT.....Shit bust we have a moral obligation to stop these people.... What makes Afghanistan any different to many of the other backward sandpits dotted all over the globe, NATO and the rest of the west have done nothing to stop this religion and the crimes to humanity that have been committed in its name as it has spread from the middle east into Northern Africa? Who do you think supported all the dictators in these middle eastern shit holes prior to the Arab Spring uprisings when it suited them. Why do you think the west has stood by and let this happen? If you honestly believe the west is in Afghanistan to drag it into the 20th century then talks of oil and the illuminate would seem about as good a reason as weapons of mass destruction in Iraq!. Oil controls the world, What do you think would happen if the oil and gas tap was switched to off for a few months? Apart from getting chilly in the winter and having to bike to work. The whole economy would crash and the country would free fall into lawlessness fairly quickly. Extremism is another subject, admittedly its intertwined with the politics and religion of the middle east. Link to post Share on other sites
baw 4,360 Posted June 5, 2013 Report Share Posted June 5, 2013 Paulus is spot on. What gets me is its ok for us to go over and invade these countries, force our democratic ways on them, make them dependent on us, take the oil etc, etc. that's all ok, we just read about it or scratch our heads watching it on the news. As long as its on the other side of the world, hey ho....... Even when these guys fight back, which the Taliban, extremists etc are, merely fighting back, we still think it ok but when they do it over here then its a different matter. All of a sudden it's a big Muslim conspiracy to take over our country. How dare they!!! Ok for us but not them. It's us that brought this war to them, who can blame them fighting back any way they can? To blame all Muslims for a few idiots is really stupid. The Muslims are here to stay and if you want to blame anyone, its the governments fault. If you think the governments gonna start throwing them out cos some nutter killed someone on our streets, you really are deluded. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
baw 4,360 Posted June 5, 2013 Report Share Posted June 5, 2013 On 04/06/2013 at 17:01, socks said: On 04/06/2013 at 16:27, desertbred said: On 04/06/2013 at 14:13, socks said: Dessertbred as has been said before to you ... If your way of life is so great and your country ( Iran isn't it ) is such a wonderful place to live then fukc off there and leave Christian people and their beliefs to get on with their lives ........... Oh no wait you can't because your daughter is having an education here which she wouldn't get in Iran and you live in a lovely house in a country that's far more tolerant than Iran is and gives you far more freedom to do what you wish on a daily basis .......... Yet you still want to follow sharia law ... Cutting off hands and stoning women to death making your wife wear a burka etc ... Ad you still see every non Muslim as an infidel ........ Again you want it all don't you ......... I have a good life both here and in Iran no one gave it to me I earned it so who the f**k are you to tell me where I can live or where to educate my child my daughter in itself getting education flies in the face of all the bollocks that we dont care to our women and children my wife is also highly educated so please concentrate on your own life and family and allow me to do the same. As for Shariat law I chose to follow this as long as I dont break British law or interfere with your observing the law why the f**k should you tell me what I can follow or do, you are not the policemen of the world and obviously live that far up your own arsehole you cant see day light. if I didnt observe the laws of the land I would be answerable to them not some plank on a computer so concentrate on your and your families well being and let me do the same. You people are very fond of giving abuse but when facts are pointed out your answer is f**k of back to your own country I have Iranian Nationality but I was born here and hold British Citezenship as does my Daughter so I have excactly the same rights as you.Yes you live here but you want to live here under your rules ... You know that your daughter won't get an education in that shit hole Iran that's why you have brought her here so you can use this country's great education system and when you are done you will up sticks and move back to Iran ... You are a parasite living off this country's means ... If you have dual nationality why didn't you serve in the military in this country that you have decided to call home ??? Who am I to say this and that ... I am a British citizen a welsh citizen the oldest race in Europe and I have been here since birth as have my forefathers ... I have also spent 22 years service in the army protecting this country from the very religion you embrace ... Islam the most hate filled religion in the world ... You will not accept any other religion other than your own and as I said before you see any non Muslim as below you ... I have spent long enough in the part of the world you call home to know exactly what you and your religion represents and what you think of the rest of us infidels ... I am just glad I managed to put plenty in the ground during my tours over there ............ I don't get you socks. When the soldior Lee Was brutally murdered in London and it was being said, servicemen here were a target, you said you take your families security seriously. Here we have a list of places you've had active duty in and bragging how good it was to kill them. Surely if your families security is paramount you wouldn't brag about such things on an open forum? You constantly talk about being in the military, it wouldn't be hard to find you since you've put pictures of yourself on here, pictures of your house etc, etc. I truly don't understand this need for people to put all there life for all to see on the Internet, it baffles me Link to post Share on other sites
baw 4,360 Posted June 5, 2013 Report Share Posted June 5, 2013 I honestly couldn't give a f**k if they raped goats and supported rangers. They are fighting back. Wasn't it us who trained these c**ts up to fight the Russians? You reap what you sow. I'm not saying I don't hate the b*****ds I do, I just understand where they are coming from and it ain't all there fault. Link to post Share on other sites
Lab 10,979 Posted June 5, 2013 Report Share Posted June 5, 2013 On 05/06/2013 at 07:40, baw said: I honestly couldn't give a f**k if they raped goats and supported rangers. They are fighting back. Wasn't it us who trained these c**ts up to fight the Russians? You reap what you sow. I'm not saying I don't hate the b*****ds I do, I just understand where they are coming from and it ain't all there fault. Yes thats fine mate....i totally agree in what your saying. If some country decided they wanted to stick there army in our country and dictate what we done i'm sure we would stick up for ourselves, as do they in there own country. Well do your own country. Dont get a free pass over here spouting your hate. I mean i cant see anything easier than rounding these c**ts up and shipping them out.....its not rocket science. If they want to try and get into our country and kill us then i thought thats why we have armed forces to protect ourselves? 2 Link to post Share on other sites
desertbred 5,490 Posted June 5, 2013 Report Share Posted June 5, 2013 On 05/06/2013 at 07:31, maxhardcore said: On 05/06/2013 at 06:34, baw said: Paulus is spot on. What gets me is its ok for us to go over and invade these countries, force our democratic ways on them, make them dependent on us, take the oil etc, etc. that's all ok, we just read about it or scratch our heads watching it on the news. As long as its on the other side of the world, hey ho....... Even when these guys fight back, which the Taliban, extremists etc are, merely fighting back, we still think it ok but when they do it over here then its a different matter. All of a sudden it's a big Muslim conspiracy to take over our country. How dare they!!! Ok for us but not them. It's us that brought this war to them, who can blame them fighting back any way they can? To blame all Muslims for a few idiots is really stupid. The Muslims are here to stay and if you want to blame anyone, its the governments fault. If you think the governments gonna start throwing them out cos some nutter killed someone on our streets, you really are deluded. The Taliban are mearley fighting back ffs They mass produce Heroin and ship it to europe to destroy our youth. They are oppressive of women. They dont let little girls or women get an education You cant play music ect ect Since the western forces have been in and control the largest parts of Afghanistan why has Heroin production and export tripled / The rest of your post I agree with but this is Taliban and thier warped interpretation of Islam . I am educating my Daughter as I did with the others also but get slagged on here for doing it some what shoots the argument in the foot doesnt it some of you people live in cloud cuckoo land. Link to post Share on other sites
desertbred 5,490 Posted June 5, 2013 Report Share Posted June 5, 2013 On 05/06/2013 at 07:44, lab-tastic said: On 05/06/2013 at 07:40, baw said: I honestly couldn't give a f**k if they raped goats and supported rangers. They are fighting back. Wasn't it us who trained these c**ts up to fight the Russians? You reap what you sow. I'm not saying I don't hate the b*****ds I do, I just understand where they are coming from and it ain't all there fault. Yes thats fine mate....i totally agree in what your saying. If some country decided they wanted to stick there army in our country and dictate what we done i'm sure we would stick up for ourselves, as do they in there own country. Well do your own country. Dont get a free pass over here spouting your hate. I mean i cant see anything easier than rounding these c**ts up and shipping them out.....its not rocket science. If they want to try and get into our country and kill us then i thought thats why we have armed forces to protect ourselves? Arent armed forces supposedly to protect the Borders of a country ? not to invade others. Link to post Share on other sites
Lab 10,979 Posted June 5, 2013 Report Share Posted June 5, 2013 On 05/06/2013 at 07:49, desertbred said: On 05/06/2013 at 07:44, lab-tastic said: On 05/06/2013 at 07:40, baw said: I honestly couldn't give a f**k if they raped goats and supported rangers. They are fighting back. Wasn't it us who trained these c**ts up to fight the Russians? You reap what you sow. I'm not saying I don't hate the b*****ds I do, I just understand where they are coming from and it ain't all there fault. Yes thats fine mate....i totally agree in what your saying. If some country decided they wanted to stick there army in our country and dictate what we done i'm sure we would stick up for ourselves, as do they in there own country. Well do your own country. Dont get a free pass over here spouting your hate. I mean i cant see anything easier than rounding these c**ts up and shipping them out.....its not rocket science. If they want to try and get into our country and kill us then i thought thats why we have armed forces to protect ourselves? Arent armed forces supposedly to protect the Borders of a country ? not to invade others. Thats exactly what i would like to happen.......bring everyone out of these countries and defend our own. Link to post Share on other sites
desertbred 5,490 Posted June 5, 2013 Report Share Posted June 5, 2013 On 05/06/2013 at 07:53, lab-tastic said: On 05/06/2013 at 07:49, desertbred said: On 05/06/2013 at 07:44, lab-tastic said: On 05/06/2013 at 07:40, baw said: I honestly couldn't give a f**k if they raped goats and supported rangers. They are fighting back. Wasn't it us who trained these c**ts up to fight the Russians? You reap what you sow. I'm not saying I don't hate the b*****ds I do, I just understand where they are coming from and it ain't all there fault. Yes thats fine mate....i totally agree in what your saying. If some country decided they wanted to stick there army in our country and dictate what we done i'm sure we would stick up for ourselves, as do they in there own country. Well do your own country. Dont get a free pass over here spouting your hate. I mean i cant see anything easier than rounding these c**ts up and shipping them out.....its not rocket science. If they want to try and get into our country and kill us then i thought thats why we have armed forces to protect ourselves? Arent armed forces supposedly to protect the Borders of a country ? not to invade others. Thats exactly what i would like to happen.......bring everyone out of these countries and defend our own. I am 100% in agreemant with that and I even agree with UKIPs immigration policy half the problems here relate to uncontrolled immigration by successive Goverments/ Britain needs to look inwards and not tow the American hedgemonistic policies pre 9/11 America thought they were safe they got involved after the attack even they came in the 2nd world war after Pearl Harbour was attacked Britain is a small island not a continent so it needs to look after its own shores and people Link to post Share on other sites
baw 4,360 Posted June 5, 2013 Report Share Posted June 5, 2013 On 05/06/2013 at 07:44, lab-tastic said: On 05/06/2013 at 07:40, baw said: I honestly couldn't give a f**k if they raped goats and supported rangers. They are fighting back. Wasn't it us who trained these c**ts up to fight the Russians? You reap what you sow. I'm not saying I don't hate the b*****ds I do, I just understand where they are coming from and it ain't all there fault. Yes thats fine mate....i totally agree in what your saying. If some country decided they wanted to stick there army in our country and dictate what we done i'm sure we would stick up for ourselves, as do they in there own country. Well do your own country. Dont get a free pass over here spouting your hate. I mean i cant see anything easier than rounding these c**ts up and shipping them out.....its not rocket science. If they want to try and get into our country and kill us then i thought thats why we have armed forces to protect ourselves? Totally agree lab. You got to ask why is it not happening. Me, personally, the government love us living in fear. It makes us support them invading places. We are just pawns mate, spoon fed whatever they want us to know. The mps don't live in poverty areas etc etc, they don't live in fear. They lived in fear of the Ira and made sure they brought that conflict to an end, until this lot do the same, fuckall will happen. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
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