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this is doing the rounds on fb, not sure if its been posted yet




Numerous news sources are showing this as the Sun newspaper front page tomorrow - and the Sun claim to have footage of vile Choudary talking about the killing of hero Lee Rigby.

Yet the police have whisked Choudary off to a secret location because we at Britain First threatened to make a peaceful and legal arrest of him and hand him in to the nearest police station.


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Yes you live here but you want to live here under your rules ... You know that your daughter won't get an education in that shit hole Iran that's why you have brought her here so you can use this coun

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So Much For Cameron Setting Up A Task Force To Combat This . . This Fukcer Should Be Jailed Immediatley . . Think Where Else In The World This Would Be Allowed To Happen . . I Will Tell You NO WHERE !

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anjem choudary has been spotted hanging around his local muslim primary school..........apparently he wont wait untill he dies till he is surrounded by 72 virgins............. :laugh:


why the f**k is this dirty stinking raghead still here........... :icon_eek: f**k him off with that kunt with the hooks.......... :yes:

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So Much For Cameron Setting Up A Task Force To Combat This . . This Fukcer Should Be Jailed Immediatley . . Think Where Else In The World This Would Be Allowed To Happen . . I Will Tell You NO WHERE !



do you mean the fcukers????


choudary + blair + cameron :hmm: :hmm: just to start with :hmm: :hmm:

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It stinks, if you dare say a word out of place about the rag heads on Facebook or whatever and the police are informed, you're arrested and held on racial charges.


Them lot can basically say what they want, us whites are going to hell, they are at war with us, amongst many, many other things, and the police just won't act.


Are they scared of being labelled racists or that they are 'discriminating' against the rag heads? Are the government telling them not to act? Is it the EU? Or are they just plain f***ing inept?? :hmm: i can't decide.


This guy is STILL preaching extremist Islam shite on our shores. Weeks after Cameron pledged to come down on it like a tonne of bricks!!!!!! Why is he still given air time?? His front door should be kicked down at 5am, bag and tag and drop him and all his family and friends back where they came from...parachutes optional.


How much more of this are we going to take lads?

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It stinks, if you dare say a word out of place about the rag heads on Facebook or whatever and the police are informed, you're arrested and held on racial charges.


Them lot can basically say what they want, us whites are going to hell, they are at war with us, amongst many, many other things, and the police just won't act.


Are they scared of being labelled racists or that they are 'discriminating' against the rag heads? Are the government telling them not to act? Is it the EU? Or are they just plain f*****g inept?? :hmm: i can't decide.


This guy is STILL preaching extremist Islam shite on our shores. Weeks after Cameron pledged to come down on it like a tonne of bricks!!!!!! Why is he still given air time?? His front door should be kicked down at 5am, bag and tag and drop him and all his family and friends back where they came from...parachutes optional.


How much more of this are we going to take lads?


Unfortunately this particular treacherous dog was born here so there is nowhere to drop him - except prison. Surely they could at least stop his £25k benefits.

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the video is on this link http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4953956/Anjem-Choudary-Lee-Rigby-will-burn-in-hellfire.html



a message sent to the EDL


Umme Ghazia, Edl I'm not a dangerous individual, I'm just the typical British Muslim who sees Britain as home and believes in freedom of speech, I'm defending a Muslim because I believe he hasn't done anything wrong, unlike the edl who have used this attack as an excuse to go and attack Muslim women and children.

A muslim defending Anjem Choudry....

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