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Would not keep a half hearted terrier or any type of dog that would not give 100%,as for a terrier with a bad mouth if it worked to the standard I want it would not bother me if it looked like a greml

Why wouldn't you keep a 100% digging dog just because it's got a imperfect mouth? Granted if you've the choice then I wouldn't breed from it but if it's doing the job day in day out I can't understan

I think the motivation of this entire thread is to show how disturbing it is that one would consider looks/confirmation as a high priority in evaluating a worker. This thought I have to be frank distu

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You answered your own question mate. If a dog grafts for you does it really matter what it looks like under shot, over shot black, white, chocolate does any of this really matter ? IMO it's what it does for you week in week out in the field that matters it's the size of the heart in the dog that matters. Just my opinion

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I think another member (Jachtterrier) asked almost the same question a few weeks back. A dog/bitch he was looking at did not have a perfect bite.

People over here said, he'd better look for another dog/bitch with good working blood and perfect/good bite/jaw. They motivated that it was harder to remove a undesirable trait from your line/breeding oposed to introducing a flaw, which I agree with.


However I'd rather have a dog with the right attitude and mentality, at least if it is healthy and does not have any faults which could be a problem for him or her.

All depends on how bad his bite actually is. I would be extra critical when reviewing the pups (if there will be any).

Edited by Bossie
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  On 04/06/2013 at 08:03, BORDERSCOT said:

Neither...wouldn't have dogs wi bad mouths and wouldn't have terriers that went half hearted about their graft.... :thumbs:

Why wouldn't you keep a 100% digging dog just because it's got a imperfect mouth? Granted if you've the choice then I wouldn't breed from it but if it's doing the job day in day out I can't understand why anyone wouldn't allow it to see its working life doin what it's bred for.

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Would not keep a half hearted terrier or any type of dog that would not give 100%,as for a terrier with a bad mouth if it worked to the standard I want it would not bother me if it looked like a gremlin and was pink in colour.I reckon its this sort of thing that has the terrier world in a mess,too much emphasis on colour,size who bred it,if its bred for work and does just that then it should not really matter what it looks like.

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I think this is whats wrong with the terrier game lately too many people breeding for looks rather than working ability, ok its nice to have a good looking terrier but its a lot nicer to have a good working terrier. The answer to your question would be the undershot dog for me every time. atb cd

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You've got access to alot of dogs uru. If you're not fully content, why breed either? Breed to the best you have access to. If it's a matter of breeding relatives or a line instead of what works best, I have experienced that that doesn't work out as planned. If you want good mouths and good workers don't breed either. Find the stud with your desired traits.

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  On 04/06/2013 at 09:34, fat man said:

Would not keep a half hearted terrier or any type of dog that would not give 100%,as for a terrier with a bad mouth if it worked to the standard I want it would not bother me if it looked like a gremlin and was pink in colour.I reckon its this sort of thing that has the terrier world in a mess,too much emphasis on colour,size who bred it,if its bred for work and does just that then it should not really matter what it looks like.

have to agree with you there fatman if I was that worried about looks id buy a kc dog and head for crufts if it works that's what counts

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it matters. so take it one step farther. the best bitch to work is also undershot. do you breed them or go for second best. there are plenty good sound dogs that work well. but if we use undershot terriers it wont be long before there will be very few with a good bite.
its easy to justify breeding bad mouths. but breeding good sound terriers for future generations is a little more difficult.

it doesnt have to be either or. as you can have both.

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100% undershot dog doing the job week in week out -- do you breed from it course you fecking do -----a faults a fault be it undershot ,overshot, prick ears,bandy legs, -- if its doing the job why would you not breed from it worker to worker n all that-- I sometimes question my self when I got older I got fussy and wouldn't have an ugly faulty fecker on my yard --if I did I`d have to kick its arse every day ------------did I have the same problems when I had a yard full of ugly bandy legged prick eared grafters -----------no ..beauty or beast it if its doing the job crack on :thumbs:

Edited by the_stig
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  On 06/06/2013 at 21:18, the_stig said:

100% undershot dog doing the job week in week out -- do you breed from it course you fecking do -----a faults a fault be it undershot ,overshot, prick ears,bandy legs, -- if its doing the job why would you not breed from it worker to worker n all that-- I sometimes question my self when I got older I got fussy and wouldn't have an ugly faulty fecker on my yard --if I did I`d have to kick its arse every day ------------did I have the same problems when I had a yard full of ugly bandy legged prick eared grafters -----------no ..beauty or beast it if its doing the job crack on :thumbs:

Beauty is what beauty does.

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