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Stop Dog Killing Cats

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I tied a fence panel round my dog's neck and it hasn't jumped over the fence since.

i knew it,someone one must of tied a rabbit round my dog neck before i got....................aint caught a rabbit yet

You can come on this site ,, feeling down about the world,,, then read one of these type threads,,, and your faith in human nature is restored ,,,lol   Fecking priceless

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I have got (can get) a dead moggie if anyone wants a try ....let me know asap...its getting flatter by the minute so be quick . :laugh:


Naah. That won't work. It will just train the dog not to atttack cats that are 2ft wide and 1 inch thick. :laugh:

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I tied a fence panel round my dog's neck and it hasn't jumped over the fence since. :laugh:

FLMAO :laugh: :laugh: Do you think this technique will work for chasing cars??



It does, but it's very car specific. If you tie a mondeo round it's neck, it won't chase them, but still chases any other make. :victory:

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You can come on this site ,, feeling down about the world,,, then read one of these type threads,,, and your faith in human nature is restored ,,,lol


Fecking priceless

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I tied a fence panel round my dog's neck and it hasn't jumped over the fence since. :laugh:

FLMAO :laugh: :laugh: Do you think this technique will work for chasing cars??



It does, but it's very car specific. If you tie a mondeo round it's neck, it won't chase them, but still chases any other make. :victory:


Witty :laugh: :laugh:

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my staffy chases my petrol mower, he managed to actually catch it yesterday, he's six inches shorter now, I'm contacting to Oscar Pistorious to ask if he's got any legs going spare, Staffy may look funny in em but fook me he'll be fast!! mind you think I'll keep him away from the gun cabinet :hmm:

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Actually i know a lad done the same thing when his collie killed a chicken.


he said it worked,and the dog was always good around his chickens when i seen it afterwards.


maybe I'm just too gullible lol

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I tied a fence panel round my dog's neck and it hasn't jumped over the fence since. :laugh:

FLMAO :laugh: :laugh: Do you think this technique will work for chasing cars??



It does, but it's very car specific. If you tie a mondeo round it's neck, it won't chase them, but still chases any other make. :victory:



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