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I Love The Smell Of .....

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Pine Marten Shit in the morning! It makes me think of rolling all over my Dads fresh bed!!!




:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Result of her first walk! She's f**king covered in it!


What the f**k have I brought upon myself now?! :laugh::clapper:


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She's never done that before .....



LMFAO!!! Well, she sure as shit has now! :laugh: Craziest bit is the way I stood right there and watched her! It simply didn't sink in what was happening! I've just stood there and thought;


" Aaaah, bless! She's found something to roll in! Look at her driving her shoulder into it! ..... Oh, there it is, look. Piney shit. Well, she obviously likes that :yes: "


Then we've got home and I'm suddenly like; " Jesus f**king christ!!! Me Dog's covered in f**kin shit!!! :icon_eek: "


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Anyway, laundry day? Good god! Think I wash everything, every time one of my dogs leaves a paw print on it?


Tell you what though? I'm lining up for a double bed now. It was absolutely heart breaking, having to forcibly push Niggy out of his customary side last night.


I'll see if I can squeeze us all in, tonight. Else I'm mattress shopping tomorrow :good:

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For mine its human shit over the golf course , the old barstools cant manage a round with out going to the toilet :bad: need more bins for there incontinent pads

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