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New Season In France

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One badger bolted by bitch, another bolted by the dog and 3 others in the end.

Blaise you are lucky men in that you can legally dig to badger.Can i ask an honest question,i realise you dont use locaters on your terriers thats your choice or laws but on a dig how many drops would you make to eventually reach dog and game as in holes dug,just cutious as i can remember pre-locator digging to terriers and it was not always a 1 hole job.



Locator isn't allowed here. Electronic devices aren't allowed whatever type of hunt.
It's always a great debate on this forum. We have to be agree on one fact : the hunt must be run in a different way.
In France, we dig larger hole than you do. If we have to dig two or three holes, it's due to badger, badger is moving with the dog or badger's digging. No link with locator.
If the dog stay in the same place, we dig just one hole.
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I don't know exactly what do you mean by "mix", it means to bite ? If it means to bite, they are more barkers than mixers. Betty, the left one on the pic, is my best jack (10 badgers in 5 hunts this

Some pics from my digging class  

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One badger bolted by bitch, another bolted by the dog and 3 others in the end.

Blaise you are lucky men in that you can legally dig to badger.Can i ask an honest question,i realise you dont use locaters on your terriers thats your choice or laws but on a dig how many drops would you make to eventually reach dog and game as in holes dug,just cutious as i can remember pre-locator digging to terriers and it was not always a 1 hole job.



Locator isn't allowed here. Electronic devices aren't allowed whatever type of hunt.
It's always a great debate on this forum. We have to be agree on one fact : the hunt must be run in a different way.
In France, we dig larger hole than you do. If we have to dig two or three holes, it's due to badger, badger is moving with the dog or badger's digging. No link with locator.
If the dog stay in the same place, we dig just one hole.


What do you mean by larger hole than we would dig? as we always dig big enough to be able to work when down to the terrier,eg,lift terrier out lift game out or dispatch game with plenty of room to work.I do know ye have to do things a bit different to us because ye cant use locators but at the end of the day its the same outcome,find the terrier dig down job done.Do ye always use just the 1 dog in the ground or is there times when ye will double up,for instance if the badger is moving a lot and 1st terrier cant hold it would ye enter a 2nd terrier to get the job done,one thing i did notice is there always seems to be plenty of man power on a dig which leaves it easy on all involved,best of luck to ye for the season.

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Each team is working his own way.

We hunt with one dog. If the dog goes out and leaves the badger, this dog is put in the box and we try with another one.

I hunt with a second dog in one rare case. If I can't hear the first dog for a long time (3 or 4 hours), I try to introduce a second dog, a very talkative one. Just in order to locate the first one.

During our last hunt, we began with Iris a little patterdale bitch. She'd worked 9:30 to12:15. But the badger was ever moving, impossible to block. We dug three holes in order to cut the hunt. When the first badger went out, the bitch was behind.

On the same place, we tried at 13:30 with Ginger, a bit stronger dog. Another badger went out but the dog stayed down earth with another animal. The tunnel was reached at 15:00. There was three badgers in the same end.

According to me, the reason is simple. Large terrier with a lot of tunnel but very few good ends, too short ends. A group of 5 badgers in a too little chamber, each time the dog entered in the chamber, one or two badgers left out the chamber and ran into the tunnel during half an hour or more, the dog running after them.

In the middle of the hunt, two badgers rushed outside the terrier, one after one. Then, the dog was able to kept the 3 last badgers in the little place. That was a good little end to hunt 3 badgers but that wasn't a good enough end to keep 5 badgers together.

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To have luck to catch numerous badgers in a single hunt, you need two things : obviously a numerous family but a good and long end of tunnel. This special form of tunnel is a success key.

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Each team is working his own way.

We hunt with one dog. If the dog goes out and leaves the badger, this dog is put in the box and we try with another one.

I hunt with a second dog in one rare case. If I can't hear the first dog for a long time (3 or 4 hours), I try to introduce a second dog, a very talkative one. Just in order to locate the first one.


During our last hunt, we began with Iris a little patterdale bitch. She'd worked 9:30 to12:15. But the badger was ever moving, impossible to block. We dug three holes in order to cut the hunt. When the first badger went out, the bitch was behind.


On the same place, we tried at 13:30 with Ginger, a bit stronger dog. Another badger went out but the dog stayed down earth with another animal. The tunnel was reached at 15:00. There was three badgers in the same end.


According to me, the reason is simple. Large terrier with a lot of tunnel but very few good ends, too short ends. A group of 5 badgers in a too little chamber, each time the dog entered in the chamber, one or two badgers left out the chamber and ran into the tunnel during half an hour or more, the dog running after them.


In the middle of the hunt, two badgers rushed outside the terrier, one after one. Then, the dog was able to kept the 3 last badgers in the little place. That was a good little end to hunt 3 badgers but that wasn't a good enough end to keep 5 badgers together.

ive never thought of it like that but it makes sense to me.? how many digs on average do you have to drop to get the quarry?
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To have luck to catch numerous badgers in a single hunt, you need two things : obviously a numerous family but a good and long end of tunnel. This special form of tunnel is a success key.

I reckon the most important thing you need is a capable terrier that will stay with the game and hold it in a stop no luck involved at all but then you also need the man power to dig to the dog.How many digs a week would ye usually get in the hunting season or have ye a limit that you have to stick to.

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To have luck to catch numerous badgers in a single hunt, you need two things : obviously a numerous family but a good and long end of tunnel. This special form of tunnel is a success key.

I reckon the most important thing you need is a capable terrier that will stay with the game and hold it in a stop no luck involved at all but then you also need the man power to dig to the dog.How many digs a week would ye usually get in the hunting season or have ye a limit that you have to stick to.



Last season 2015, we hunted 38 days.
We dug an total of 108 meters (350 feet). Average 2,8 meters per day (9 feet).
102 attacks (an attack is the work of one dog, so you can see we hunt with 2 or 3 dogs during the day).
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Good numbers mate. Especially considering there's no Bellman and Flints involved. Do you dig more than one in the stop ends or is it mainly just the single ones?


Sometimes we are failing despite the work of the dog. Last season, 5 days without any badger, they were in the terrier but we failed.
Sometimes, just one badger for all the day.
Few times more, all the clan in the same stop end.
This proves that badger hunting has nothing to do with badger baiting.
If a dog is able to stay two hours or more with 6 or 7 badgers in the same tunnel, there's no fight. Otherwise, the dog would be destroyed and killed.
According to me, badger has just one weak spot, just one. The weak spot is self-confidence, a too large assurance. So badgers are waiting with the dog barking beside.
When the badger is aggressive, it's able to force the passage. Usually, badger don't do it. Fatal Self-confidence.
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Good point blaise,. But surely if you get some of the b, that have been dug a good few times and saw dogs, people then they are experienced and will rush the dog properly when your digging,

From what i can gather they dispatch everything so they wont be digging an educated animal.

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