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Putting Your Hand Up To Your Dog When Its Done Wrong

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  On 02/06/2013 at 17:25, penny wise said:

This morning i put up a post about my saluki x having hold of our jackie. And a few lads said they would of give it a good crack. And i said once you give a saluki x a crack they will never be the same with you again i got told that by a pal of mine never ever put ya hand on um. So should you or not crack saluki x lads.

Personally I'd have buried it with a shovel :D

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Why, its doing what dogs do naturally. Trying to kill something smaller. If anyone's to blame its the owner, im guilty I left two terriers together in my yard for 15 minutes and one nearly killed th

the bottom line is this, the lad put a post up regards hitting a dog (if) it done wrong. Now i couldnt give feck what breed, or type of lurcher if it had grabbed another dog like it did to that ter

You don't need to wack them the tone of your voice is enough for some dog or your actions

  On 07/06/2013 at 10:33, baw said:


  On 02/06/2013 at 17:25, penny wise said:

This morning i put up a post about my saluki x having hold of our jackie. And a few lads said they would of give it a good crack. And i said once you give a saluki x a crack they will never be the same with you again i got told that by a pal of mine never ever put ya hand on um. So should you or not crack saluki x lads.

Personally I'd have buried it with a shovel :D


Not too late in the year for Roast duck in plum sauce :boogy::laugh:

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It all depends on the dog in my opinion. Some dogs can handle it and some cant regardless of the breed. I personally hate having to hit my dog. Only done it once when he ran off and wouldn't come back (was nearly ran over in the process!) Regretted it soon after but it was heat of the moment and he's been bang on since. Most training you can do with tone of voice though

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