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Putting Your Hand Up To Your Dog When Its Done Wrong

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dogs live for the moment therefore its a waste of time hitting them, they don't understand what we say, they read more into body language, and maybe the tone of voice, mine know for sure when Ive had a rough shift at graft, they stay close and come back quicker, other days when am more relaxed they take odd liberties, but once they come back theres no point its gone for em, same when they ragged another or made a nuisance of themselves around park dogs etc



saluki types its just not worth even going there, tone of voice etc is usually enough or ignoring them, that's the one thing mine hates, blody thing sulks if I raise me voice to him lol someone once gave me the best bit of advice ever when the red mist comes descends simply turn and walk away, works well for me, some breeds will take endless stick off lads battering em and still come back for more tail wagging,

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Why, its doing what dogs do naturally. Trying to kill something smaller. If anyone's to blame its the owner, im guilty I left two terriers together in my yard for 15 minutes and one nearly killed th

the bottom line is this, the lad put a post up regards hitting a dog (if) it done wrong. Now i couldnt give feck what breed, or type of lurcher if it had grabbed another dog like it did to that ter

You don't need to wack them the tone of your voice is enough for some dog or your actions

dogmatic sorry mean this in the best possible way, total bollock your talking. we are not saying batter the dog but firm corrections is fine by me. and as for saying not a dog man hahaha wtf you dont know me, you just dont know

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dogmatic sorry mean this in the best possible way, total bollock your talking. we are not saying batter the dog but firm corrections is fine by me. and as for saying not a dog man hahaha wtf you dont know me, you just dont know

And I don't want to :thumbs:

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My salukie one shuck my pat all it did was piss the terrier off even more me shouting and kicking them up the ass only added fuel to the fire but my pat ant never for got my best dog saluki x two if I shout at him he sulks like a girl think if I ever hit him he would never come to me again but think all dog the same there all individuals ad collies the same lol me big bad bull cross was scared to death of tea towel for no reason lol but I really do think hitting dogs off any breed is loss off control and bad rearing to a degre but in a fight you gotta stop it I gust grab them by the scruff pin them [BANNED TEXT] there young if they need sorting out all way paid off

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the bottom line is this, the lad put a post up regards hitting a dog (if) it done wrong. Now i couldnt give feck what breed, or type of lurcher if it had grabbed another dog like it did to that terrier ,and could have ended bad . I say it again if i had caught it on another dog doing that, i would booted the fecker no if's or buts. All this sulking or not bonding crap because its a saukix lol. You hit it for the right reason, and the dog knows that :yes: you not hit for anything else, and if it wont handle that why keep it, keep saying once the dog knows (who) boss these things might not ever happen. ive had dogs 40 years all types, and ive seen few saluki xs in my time, and just because it might be great in the field, why put up with this kind of shit at home, eveybody to there own thing, but not for me .!!

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one thing you said there salukie or no pal spot on coz its salukie don't make it any different from a collie bull what ever like I said av ad collie the same think is a bit of a mith only thing they have is selective hearing that's true lol


the bottom line is this, the lad put a post up regards hitting a dog (if) it done wrong. Now i couldnt give feck what breed, or type of lurcher if it had grabbed another dog like it did to that terrier ,and could have ended bad . I say it again if i had caught it on another dog doing that, i would booted the fecker no if's or buts. All this sulking or not bonding crap because its a saukix lol. You hit it for the right reason, and the dog knows that :yes: you not hit for anything else, and if it wont handle that why keep it, keep saying once the dog knows (who) boss these things might not ever happen. ive had dogs 40 years all types, and ive seen few saluki xs in my time, and just because it might be great in the field, why put up with this kind of shit at home, eveybody to there own thing, but not for me .!!

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See fitchet ur like an anti there a huge different in beatin a dog n givin it a correctiv tap. Our bull x needs a little clip here n there to get him in line. Not a beating

Am talking about saluki breeds not bull x mate they wouldnt even fell ya hand my staff just thinks your playing when you crack him thinks its a game daft c**t it is.
I no ya talkin bout saluki x mate I was just replyin to anova quite about so called " Beatin " a dog

I been around a few saluki x sum well nown sum not so . most will react best just to positive reinforce but there the odd few that need that scruff to get them back straight. As p loyd said sum need sum dont. If ur a hot head ur Neva gel to the saluki but dnt b afraid to use the [BANNED TEXT] correction for [BANNED TEXT] time

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Dogs are like men,...some definitely need correction,..and some don't.... :thumbs:

oh yes............ive never had to give a running dog a clout really but some terriers need correcting firmly.......for exstreme reasons......

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Punished my saluki x once for chasing the horses again... Little f****r used to turn a deaf ear to me and was at risk of getting killed by them so yes i gave him a hard slap in the ribs... He hasnt looked at the horses again since... And it hasnt ruined our bond... He knew he was in the wrong and he doesnt hold it against me

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Punished my saluki x once for chasing the horses again... Little f****r used to turn a deaf ear to me and was at risk of getting killed by them so yes i gave him a hard slap in the ribs... He hasnt looked at the horses again since... And it hasnt ruined our bond... He knew he was in the wrong and he doesnt hold it against me

a lot of it is understanding your relationship.............if you both have a good understanding ,............its so much easier,............im in my two lurchers heads and there in mine ,........they know what my intentions are and know when im unhappy..........they would do anything I want.........and can call them off most things unless there in full flight.....

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Punished my saluki x once for chasing the horses again... Little f****r used to turn a deaf ear to me and was at risk of getting killed by them so yes i gave him a hard slap in the ribs... He hasnt looked at the horses again since... And it hasnt ruined our bond... He knew he was in the wrong and he doesnt hold it against me


a lot of it is understanding your relationship.............if you both have a good understanding ,............its so much easier,............im in my two lurchers heads and there in mine ,........they know what my intentions are and know when im unhappy..........they would do anything I want.........and can call them off most things unless there in full flight.....
He knew i was pissed off, he was just having too much fun to care.. he knows whats expected of him and hes still learning as he goes... I very rarely punish him but when i do its because hes deliberately crossed the line and he knows it...


we are starting to work as a team but its a slow process

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Punished my saluki x once for chasing the horses again... Little f****r used to turn a deaf ear to me and was at risk of getting killed by them so yes i gave him a hard slap in the ribs... He hasnt looked at the horses again since... And it hasnt ruined our bond... He knew he was in the wrong and he doesnt hold it against me

a lot of it is understanding your relationship.............if you both have a good understanding ,............its so much easier,............im in my two lurchers heads and there in mine ,........they know what my intentions are and know when im unhappy..........they would do anything I want.........and can call them off most things unless there in full flight.....
He knew i was pissed off, he was just having too much fun to care.. he knows whats expected of him and hes still learning as he goes... I very rarely punish him but when i do its because hes deliberately crossed the line and he knows it...


we are starting to work as a team but its a slow process


thank fook that is exactly the same as me and my two lurchers............even tho it must be so much harder with the stubborn blood dogs...lol

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the bottom line is this, the lad put a post up regards hitting a dog (if) it done wrong. Now i couldnt give feck what breed, or type of lurcher if it had grabbed another dog like it did to that terrier ,and could have ended bad . I say it again if i had caught it on another dog doing that, i would booted the fecker no if's or buts. All this sulking or not bonding crap because its a saukix lol. You hit it for the right reason, and the dog knows that :yes: you not hit for anything else, and if it wont handle that why keep it, keep saying once the dog knows (who) boss these things might not ever happen. ive had dogs 40 years all types, and ive seen few saluki xs in my time, and just because it might be great in the field, why put up with this kind of shit at home, eveybody to there own thing, but not for me .!!

Youve had dogs 40 years pal who kicks ya dogs now for ya son coz half of oaps that go hunting have hip preplacements had two come to my house for a terrier and both had it done. Said the dog went to far infront bushing pmsl.
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In the dogs world, hierarchy is maintained mainly by posture and actions, a pack of dogs will not spend time knocking the shite out of each other, normally a quick snarl snap or bite will see the problem sorted and lesson learnt for the less dominant member of the pack. It should be no different when a human is the pack leader, All dogs are different and they're all different for different reasons, Age, Temperament etc. The key to being a good pack leader (dog man) is understanding these reasons with each of your individual dogs. I rarely if ever feel the need to belt dog as they respond better to changes in my tone of voice and posture. Its very difficult to be at the point where a a physical slap would be beneficial, But a verbal slap is possible in most situations. chastising a dog after the event has happened is one of the worst things possible and might well lead to a nervous dog or worse still a sulky stand off type.

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