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my goldie mule has just started to lay eggs never heard of this befor any one with sum info on this cheers

hope you didnt get it for singing bill,most hen mules lay ,could swap the eggs let it hatch some canarys see ifs a good feeder, :thumbs:

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There'll be clear,99'9999999999999999999% of goldie mules are infertile,a few of my mules do it each year and i just leave them to it as if i needed to i'd use them as foster mums, as it goes a mule hen does get more of a chance getting fertile the older she gets so who knows what can happen..

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Its when the eggs hatch that's unusual Bill....ain't gonna happen though. As above, you can use the hen to rear a clutch of viable eggs and allow that other pair to rear another clutch themselves. Good luck with whatever you do.

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