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the start of the fun

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well we were away again this morning to have a few hours out at the rabbits here are a few pictures from the day


the dog after marking a set waits patiently


the boys netting up anice field set


another one dug at a nice foot :D


i put the short stop net around these sleepers and picked up three :)


we got seven from this small warren :)




the final tally of fifty rabbits and the end of a bloody hot humid day and time for a :drink:


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you have some great land woodga.once again nice pics and a great bag.how many rabbits are you averaging every year?do you keep on top of the rabbits all year round then?


good hunting



Edited by REW
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:clapper: Good on you Woodga!! You had more luck than me!! I went to one of my permissions and had no luck at all :( Its a big garden with surrounding fields, the land owner says she see's loads of rabbits but I only saw ONE!! There didn't appear to be any evidence of any rabbits :no: All the rabbit holes had cobwebs in them. The cover was terrible and the field was still too high to go in. Ive told her I'll be back in November with a lurcher and a lamp :drink: You seem to have great permission there :D:clapper: YIS Julia.
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itching to get out myself here, grounds too hard to take pegs at the minute :( however woke this morning to a down pour so the ground should soften up before my next days off...hoping to get out next week!!

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