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Sign Writing On Van

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My boss has offered me an extra £10 a day to sign write my van with his company details etc. I'm not too keen on the idea as it's my van and I worked my boll*cks off to pay for the thing, but equally the money would be very handy so I'm thinking I'll probably go for it.


Only thing that worries me is the van is immaculate (58 reg Combo Van) and I intend to own it for a long while, probably longer than I'll work for the company. I've seen vans with permanent sign writing markings after it's been removed and don't want think for my motor...Is it just a case of a good T-cutting to get rid? Anyone ever had the stuff removed and got rid of the markings?





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Had a couple of vans that had stick on signs , both cleaned up ok .Had them cut back ( bit courser than t cut ) & polished they looked fine .At £10 a day its got to be done I would have thought .On a 5 day week that's £2500 ...

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the things you also got to luck at is :-


Your insurance will go up as it asked when applying for insurance

you wont be able to go to some skips / recycling place's with sign's even if its your own rubbish / you'll have to pay as they'll think its commercial waste

you may attract the wrong sort of attention deppending on what the signs advertising, (theives)


my advise would be magnetic signs that way you can remove them if you have to go somewhere and dont really want people to know where you work ect

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