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The Beddy X Whippet - The Greatest Dog In The World?

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mine is a 3/4 whippet beddy he stands at 22tts weight 39 pound running weight give its all day or night will hunt like a hound nose is great works to the whistle turns off at night if there was no ban i would be working a 3/4 grey beddy more size to them i find the first cross lacks a gear still can do a job but my self i like the dog to be able to have that last push in it to get it done just my opinion on the dogs i run.atb

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beddy x greyhound 21"   beddy/greyhound x mike brown whippet 22" ( son of the above)   have worked beddy whippets, both halfers and three quarters but for me as someone else has mentioned th

They are clearly superlative freezer fillers, i've seen one on numerous occasions on a documentary about the yorkshire dales, my assumption is based on the fact that the dogs owner, a mr.greengrass wa

beddy gray first cross mates dog /   .

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ideation i also think the the whippet is so underated but do you think they have the stanima a beddy whippet would have or is that just another myth ?im the same trotter if it wasnt for the ban and the end of the day to keep with in the law the we dogs suit and also not to draw to much attention to yourself

Edited by nothernlite
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Trotter - i'd love to see some beddy/greys work. Only ever seen lurchers with beddy in them (usually alongside bull) and beddy/whips.


NL - It's hard to say as personally I have only owned one whippet and never owned a beddy x myself. But i'd have to say I have only ever seen my whippet run out of juice once, and that was more due to lack of feeding (a f**k up) and being on the road for hours and hours and then run all day to buggery up and down the dales in the hammering rain. He had a two min wobble in the afternoon, had a wee bit of chocolate and was back on form. To be honest one of my greatest problems in working him is taking the edge off him, he needs ten slips of a night before he calms down, and i've always run out of fields and bunnys before he has run out of juice. Anyone who has seen him work in the day can tell you that he covers huge amounts of ground, works cover hard and is generally always on the move, never tired and doesn't fecking stop. Also run him around behind the quad, and he follows me about for hours sometimes on the shoot at a decent pace and i've yet to gas him out. Think he might be a wee bit of a freak though.

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  On 30/05/2013 at 14:20, troter58 said:

going out to night to see a beddy grey run mines not wobbled yet mate and he gets worked hard might be the beddy keeps them going :thumbs:


It only happened once mate, And the problem was he had not been fed, and been worked a day and then driven all night, then worked all day. Silly error. And like I said he just had a wee wobble on his feet, nowt a bite of kit kat didnt sort out :laugh:

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As most of you know I am running a 3/4 grey 1/4 beddy at the moment.


He hasn't seen THAT much yet so I aren't going to big him up or say he's amazing. He's got ALOT to learn and is still young.


His nose is fantastic and he is a true hunting dog by day, but at night he is completely different and comes straight back when the lamp goes off.


He is very durable and can take a good knock.


His feet are good.


He can be stubborn and head strong but nothing like as ignorant as my saluki x bitch.


He is very good at ferreting, marks well and waits patiently for bolters.


I'm hoping to test him properly in the coming season and see what he is capable of.





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I personally wouldn't have another beddy/whippet after seeing one or two work next to a beddy/whippet x greyhound. The addition of greyhound adds so much more IMO.. If you were just ferreting or mooching about then the beddy/whippets I've seen do a decent enough job. Good nose, quick enough of the mark to catch a bolter, etc, but when you want to take the same dog lamping there's no contest between the ones I've seen and the one which was 1/2 greyhound.. All JMO and based on the dogs I've seen work, including my own.. :thumbs:

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Iv seen 2 Beddy whippets work that were absolute crackers the only thing that let these 2 down was their size, it held them back a bit but by f**k if they were bigger there might no be much left in the midlands for the rest of youse lol, joking aside they were good dogs but like I say size let them down. I personally wouldn't have one for the very reason iv said above, iv got a first x Beddy grey bitch pup that's just over 21tts at 10 month and don't think she'll get any bigger, the Beddy grey are bigger with a bit more substance and power but still have the robustness of that's important in the cross and when I say bigger were talking a small difference for a lot more power and substance, don't know why everyone says Beddy whippet if I was advising anyone for a ferreting/mooching/lamping ruff and tumble lurcher it would be a Beddy greyhound.


I wouldn't say there's not many good beddy's mate just because people don't come on thl and post pictures and story's doesn't mean they ain't there but is think the best Beddy stud for a lurcher would be the biggest strongest and gamest you could find so that might not run alongside a proper earth Beddy, sometimes in life people need to take a gamble and I'd be happy to take on a Beddy x pup that was from a Beddy stud dog that didny necessarily work to ground as long as he was big strong and had a good nose and substance, and obviously worked

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Beddy x whippet is a good start...But somewhere along the line you got to add some collie.


Its like when you start out with Birds of prey..they all say get a harris hawk... but then after a year or 2 they want a falcon or a goshawk..


different horses for courses as i see it these days.


we all have an ideal. . . . mine is Worker to worker.

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  On 30/05/2013 at 15:12, grant_c said:

Iv seen 2 Beddy whippets work that were absolute crackers the only thing that let these 2 down was their size, it held them back a bit but by f**k if they were bigger there might no be much left in the midlands for the rest of youse lol, joking aside they were good dogs but like I say size let them down. I personally wouldn't have one for the very reason iv said above, iv got a first x Beddy grey bitch pup that's just over 21tts at 10 month and don't think she'll get any bigger, the Beddy grey are bigger with a bit more substance and power but still have the robustness of that's important in the cross and when I say bigger were talking a small difference for a lot more power and substance, don't know why everyone says Beddy whippet if I was advising anyone for a ferreting/mooching/lamping ruff and tumble lurcher it would be a Beddy greyhound.


I wouldn't say there's not many good beddy's mate just because people don't come on thl and post pictures and story's doesn't mean they ain't there but is think the best Beddy stud for a lurcher would be the biggest strongest and gamest you could find so that might not run alongside a proper earth Beddy, sometimes in life people need to take a gamble and I'd be happy to take on a Beddy x pup that was from a Beddy stud dog that didny necessarily work to ground as long as he was big strong and had a good nose and substance, and obviously worked


Very good post mate :thumbs:

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im probebly one of the ones who say get a beddy x whippet without seeing many of them worked in the first place, so can see where your coming from ,though i had a beddy x grey about 15 years ago that was a good lamper ,great ferreter ,crap on hares day and night ,jumped like a stag and was great around dogs and people

and the reason i say beddyx whippet is if my old dog ted was ok then im sure a well bred beddyxwhippet should in theory be just as good.this is only my opinion mind ..

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Would be interested in seeing some photos of beddy x greys?


I'm really surprised that you don't see many of these about at all? Considering how popular the beddy x whippet is, you would think you would see loads of the bigger grey x about.


I can imagine that they would be a more versatile beast.

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never had any pics of old ted but would i have one again to right i would :yes::yes: he was about 23/24 tts scruffy little f****r but a nice dog to be around too ...

took him ferreting once im on one side of hedge my mate on other side when rabbits bolted my mates side he would wait untill my mate would kill them then go and pick them up and bring them to me :D:D my mate was wondering where all his rabbits went ... :D:D

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  On 30/05/2013 at 15:32, nothernlite said:

plenty beddy grey up this way not everybody comes on here had one alot of years back but still plenty about here as jamesmac says suit the roughground wehave


I know not everyone comes on here mate :laugh: I just don't see them in general.


I'm guessing that a lot of the land we have around here is similar to you, so i'm surprised we don't see them about. :thumbs:

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