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Can You Feed Ribs?

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I got given a whole pile of pork meat including a few racks of ribs.

I'm not planning on eating them because I think they might be going a bit off but is it safe to feed the dogs?


The actual ribs are only about 1-2 inch long, would it be okay to feed bones and all to the dogs? There's no sharp edges on them.

Would hate to see it all go to waste

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Fine to feed pork ribs: if they are a rack of ribs, then axe them into single ribs and freeze what you don't need right away. That's what we do. Some weak jawed dogs may find them a bit too hard, but most dogs are fine with them. Make sure your dog isn't the sort to break off and swallow big chunks of hard bone which could be a problem. I wouldn't feed more than one or two per day for a lurcher. Too much bone can cause constipation.

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Fine to feed pork ribs: if they are a rack of ribs, then axe them into single ribs and freeze what you don't need right away. That's what we do. Some weak jawed dogs may find them a bit too hard, but most dogs are fine with them. Make sure your dog isn't the sort to break off and swallow big chunks of hard bone which could be a problem. I wouldn't feed more than one or two per day for a lurcher. Too much bone can cause constipation.

Skycat can I ask what your view is on feeding pork as I get a fair bit but I always get told not to?

Dogs love raw trotters!!!

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We sometimes get the remains of a hog roast from our butcher, but I feed it slowly, a bit at a time, mixing with other foods as it is very rich. I don't feed the crackling as I've found it can give some dogs the shits. I don't mind feeding raw pork but only in small quantities. Never feed raw pork skin either: they either won't eat it or it comes back up a few hours later: its virtually indigestible I've found. Don't like feeding lots of pork fat either, not that we get given much: so the answer is: small amounts I guess.

We've a couple of dogs that love the trotters, but I wouldn't give some of my dogs trotters. Some dogs seem to have the digestion of a hyena, others are a bit more delicate. Depends on the dog I guess.

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Fine to feed pork ribs: if they are a rack of ribs, then axe them into single ribs and freeze what you don't need right away. That's what we do. Some weak jawed dogs may find them a bit too hard, but most dogs are fine with them. Make sure your dog isn't the sort to break off and swallow big chunks of hard bone which could be a problem. I wouldn't feed more than one or two per day for a lurcher. Too much bone can cause constipation.

if a dog cant eat a few raw rib bones ,.because of its jaw,.........get him a lolly to suck on lol.........

deer ribs is my prefered ribs for feeding ,.......they fooking love it .......

me dags go out twice a day and are fed once in the evening apart from the pups what now get morning and evening ,........but after morning exercise I then tend to feed them a few bones so it keeps them occupied until the evening exercise.........you cant beat bones with flesh on them ..........especially rib bones they love em

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We sometimes get the remains of a hog roast from our butcher, but I feed it slowly, a bit at a time, mixing with other foods as it is very rich. I don't feed the crackling as I've found it can give some dogs the shits. I don't mind feeding raw pork but only in small quantities. Never feed raw pork skin either: they either won't eat it or it comes back up a few hours later: its virtually indigestible I've found. Don't like feeding lots of pork fat either, not that we get given much: so the answer is: small amounts I guess.

We've a couple of dogs that love the trotters, but I wouldn't give some of my dogs trotters. Some dogs seem to have the digestion of a hyena, others are a bit more delicate. Depends on the dog I guess.

Haha that's how I get mine as I hogroast all season,tbh I've never had a problem feeding any pork to mine but they all have guts of iron.

Thanks for the info :)

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I used to feed all my dogs on fresh bones daily ... But I made the mistake of letting an ugly ginger giant near my place and he emptied my freezer to feed his own dogs :cray: ... In the end I had to move to stop him bullying me for more food :laugh: .........

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I used to feed all my dogs on fresh bones daily ... But I made the mistake of letting an ugly ginger giant near my place and he emptied my freezer to feed his own dogs :cray: ... In the end I had to move to stop him bullying me for more food :laugh: .........

your lucky I see that ugly fooker every day...... :laugh:

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