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Floyd Mayweather Vs Canelo Alvarez A Cracker

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I think Mayweather is already up there with the best fighters ever regardless of this fight...................i dont know too much about Alvarez,this is about the time where id normally ask Attack Fel

This should be a class fight looks to go ahead September,mayweather choose this fight both fighters unbeaten,think this all mayweather has left to fight,if floyd wins surely he is up there with the be

I agree! Mayweather is a intelligent natural boxer & always works out how his opponent can be beaten. It will be age that retires him not Alverez!

Gnash, I don't know whether its the fact that I think the mexican boy is that good or whether its because i don't rate Mayweather as highly as some. . Mayweather has skill in abundance, as much as any fighter to ever lace on gloves. . But I don't think he's fought the best at the right times, yes he's beaten every fighter put in front of him, but I don't think he's boxed anyone as dangerous Alvarez. . I see what you mean in him "being made for Mayweather" but he's not so dissimilar to Cotto? Yet stronger, bigger and more explosive. . Cotto gave Mayweather trouble. . Ultimately, I wouldn't put my car on Mayweather losing, is skill is sublime. .

I wont pretend i know all the fighters out there around Mayweathers weight because i dont......but stylistically i cant see anyone to touch him.....infact the only person i think could give him trouble.......and you will piss yourself laughing...............is Amir Khan..........Khan wouldnt beat him but he could certainly outwork him for as long as he could stay on his feet.......i dont think anyone is going to beat Mayweather in a tactical fight or catch him with his chin hanging out,the only way i can see him losing is by being outpaced and outworked by a hit and hop it merchant.

I think a Mayweather/Paquiao fight would of been a mismatch.....and i wouldnt be surprised if this Alvarez fight followed a similar pattern to the Cotto fight.....but its probably the biggest fight out there for him and if he,s as good as you rate him it will certainly be interesting.

Edited by gnasher16
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Mayweather is a master tactition , alverez lack of movement his attack is all ways stright He has poor upper body movement mayweathr Will take full advantage , although youth is on alverezes side i can not see him dethroning mayweather in this one , alverez will try and boss the Early rounds mayweathers ring craft will see him through once again

Edited by gonetoearth
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No gnash, I see the logic, as much as I don't like Khan, he is as fit as fiddle and throws punches in bunches for fun, although I would fancy Mayweather to smash his glass jaw in 3/4 rounds! :-/ . . As said, no fighter is ever going to be a good enough tactician to dethrone Mayweather. . The only way I think to beat the man is to physically bully and outwork him. . Easier said than done! Alvarez is the most dangerous fighter withing 2 weight divisions, so Floyd, finally is fighting the best fighter available. . Roll on September!


And yes, not an impossible scenario at all that GTE. . I could certainly envisage that pattern of fight. .

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Khan has everthing but a chin He lacks the will to over come. mayweather Would play with him like a cat with a mouse , khan would be no threat to maywaether as he could never stop him

Edited by gonetoearth
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Mmm good points made inan. . But essentially it's the points in the latter end of your post that makes me think he could be more than a match for Mayweather. .

Ha saying that, I haven't seen the full fight lawrence. . Although Alvarez's dip in stamina did concern me. . Saying that, Trout looks a strong fighter. .

Gnash, I don't know whether its the fact that I think the mexican boy is that good or whether its because i don't rate Mayweather as highly as some. . Mayweather has skill in abundance, as much as any fighter to ever lace on gloves. . But I don't think he's fought the best at the right times, yes he's beaten every fighter put in front of him, but I don't think he's boxed anyone as dangerous Alvarez. . I see what you mean in him "being made for Mayweather" but he's not so dissimilar to Cotto? Yet stronger, bigger and more explosive. . Cotto gave Mayweather trouble. . Ultimately, I wouldn't put my car on Mayweather losing, is skill is sublime. .

My thoughts pretty much exactly.

Alvarez is like a younger, fresher Cotto, who gave Floyd a real fight.


Cotto set somewhat of a blueprint to be effective against Mayweather, use angles to close the gap, head on chest, combination punching and finish on the left hand, which exposed the weakness in Floyd's Philly shell defence when on the ropes, he got caught over and over leaning back to his right.

Problem is, Floyd looked to have adapted against Guerrero, didn't back up to the ropes, span off on angles back to centre ring, didn't get lazy and dictated behind his back hand like normal.


Alvarez is a huge light middle, if he gets in range enough I've no doubt he can hurt Floyd.


Problem is, we just don't know how good Alvarez is, the step up from the Matthew Hattons to Mayweather is just light years, obviously.

But he showed different sides of his game against Trout, great head movement, timing, judging of distance, he's so young that he's still developing new skills every fight, whether he'll have enough to deal with billy big bollocks is another question, but it will be fun finding out!!

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Khan has everthing but a chin He lacks the will to over come.

Not sure if ive read that right.....but you surely cant be saying he lacks heart ?.............The one thing that has surprised me about that lad is he seems game to the bone...........you dont complete 12 rounds with a poor chin getting up off the floor numerous times without " will and desire "


Satan80 the " blueprint " you talk of is good to be exactly that " effective ".......its still not good enough to win.......great fighters like Mayweather have a look for a few rounds before coming up with a way to win he has faced very diverse styles and coped relatively easy............i personally think the only type of fighter who can beat Mayweather at this time is someone with the speed to beat him to the punch and win the individual rounds....someone with the discipline to not hang around long in one place......a Hector Camacho type if you remember him.......high work rate without getting too involved....maybe even a scaled down Calzaghe type................whether theres anyone out there with that style at the highest level i dont know.

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Alverez reminds me of tony sibson He walks in his range finder is his head , wanting to take shots. Bravado dont. Win belts. , his foot work is very very poor Even presure boxers need mobility. And upper body movement take four to land one tactics soon come unstuck. Unless you ko your opponant Omho

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Khan has everthing but a chin He lacks the will to over come.


Not sure if ive read that right.....but you surely cant be saying he lacks heart ?.............The one thing that has surprised me about that lad is he seems game to the bone...........you dont complete 12 rounds with a poor chin getting up off the floor numerous times without " will and desire "


Satan80 the " blueprint " you talk of is good to be exactly that " effective ".......its still not good enough to win.......great fighters like Mayweather have a look for a few rounds before coming up with a way to win he has faced very diverse styles and coped relatively easy............i personally think the only type of fighter who can beat Mayweather at this time is someone with the speed to beat him to the punch and win the individual rounds....someone with the discipline to not hang around long in one place......a Hector Camacho type if you remember him.......high work rate without getting too involved....maybe even a scaled down Calzaghe type................whether theres anyone out there with that style at the highest level i dont know.

. No gnasher he has heart but lacks the will to over come he seems to get lost lack of concentration take his mind off the game plan He frustrates me and did so as ab
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Going slightly of subject,, and on to somthing gnash said earlier about being 12 lbs over the weight limit at the time of the fight..


What's your thoughts on this? Do any of you think this cutting weight,, then banging it back on after the weigh in takes somthing out of the fighters,,, and is it in all honesty fair?


I think there should be two weigh inns,,, the one the day befor like they do,,, and 1 just befor the fight,,,it would stop all this carry on,,, and fighters would be the weight they should be,,


I bet this didn't happen 50 year ago

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....great fighters like Mayweather have a look for a few rounds before coming up with a way to win he has faced very diverse styles and coped relatively
. That is excatly it gnasher. You summed it up in a sentence great fighter can change tactics and over come !!!!!
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Going slightly of subject,, and on to somthing gnash said earlier about being 12 lbs over the weight limit at the time of the fight..


What's your thoughts on this? Do any of you think this cutting weight,, then banging it back on after the weigh in takes somthing out of the fighters,,, and is it in all honesty fair?


I think there should be two weigh inns,,, the one the day befor like they do,,, and 1 just befor the fight,,,it would stop all this carry on,,, and fighters would be the weight they should be,,


I bet this didn't happen 50 year ago

They do have check weigh ins on the build up to fights...............for that reason......so a fighter cant dehydrate down to make weight dangerously...............its the only way it can be done safely Tomo.......the ring tragedies we saw 20 years ago were from same day weigh ins.


And 50 years ago there wasnt 3 and 4 lbs between weight divisions like there is today ;) .........back then a light welter would of been fighting a welter in the same division.....today they are seperate divisions meaning the lines are so much finer.

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Khan has everthing but a chin He lacks the will to over come.

Not sure if ive read that right.....but you surely cant be saying he lacks heart ?.............The one thing that has surprised me about that lad is he seems game to the bone...........you dont complete 12 rounds with a poor chin getting up off the floor numerous times without " will and desire "


Satan80 the " blueprint " you talk of is good to be exactly that " effective ".......its still not good enough to win.......great fighters like Mayweather have a look for a few rounds before coming up with a way to win he has faced very diverse styles and coped relatively easy............i personally think the only type of fighter who can beat Mayweather at this time is someone with the speed to beat him to the punch and win the individual rounds....someone with the discipline to not hang around long in one place......a Hector Camacho type if you remember him.......high work rate without getting too involved....maybe even a scaled down Calzaghe type................whether theres anyone out there with that style at the highest level i dont know.

. No gnasher he has heart but lacks the will to over come he seems to get lost lack of concentration take his mind off the game plan He frustrates me and did so as ab


I think i see what your saying............lacks the discipline to stick to a game plan you mean ?.......i agree.............he,s too willing to fight fire with fire when he gets tagged like your other post said.....theres no place in a boxing ring for macho bravado shit.....totally agree :thumbs:

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