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I wont support a cull because it will cost a fortune when good decent terrier men can carry the job out for free!!

Dont kid yourself on....if they wanted to do it free there would be plenty shooters happy to do so.......... :yes:

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Makes my piss boil all the time , effort and money spent by these buny hugging pricks to save old brock yet when a british service man is murdered in the uk not one of the spineless twats has out to s

We have unblanced nature in so many ways. The natural world cannot regulate its self as it used to. The introduction of so many alien species has tipped the balance in many cases , we are in danger

Lift the protected species law and let the farmers shoot cull and make there own minds up if they want them on the land or not, all this political shit!!!



I dont understand the politics or science of BTB or the culling of badgers, what I do know is when badger digging was legal bovine TB was virtually unheard of in the areas where we controlled badgers by digging them, 25-30 yrs ago everyone who knew anything about badgers said protecting them would cause problems, not just TB. Badger digging in a humane manner was the best way of controlling badgers.


WOW!! You must be the oldest member on here and the oldest resident in the world as it was first outlawed in 1850, even more so in 1911 and again in 1935. Funny how bTB was only first documented in this country in the 1950's so I don't know how your numbers stack up, maybe in your extremely old age you forget these dates. So badger digging was outlawed nearly 100yrs before bTB came to this island. The first badger to be found with bTB was in 1971.



You need to learn to read


My apologies sir.

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I dont understand the politics or science of BTB or the culling of badgers, what I do know is when badger digging was legal bovine TB was virtually unheard of in the areas where we controlled badgers by digging them, 25-30 yrs ago everyone who knew anything about badgers said protecting them would cause problems, not just TB. Badger digging in a humane manner was the best way of controlling badgers.


WOW!! You must be the oldest member on here and the oldest resident in the world as it was first outlawed in 1850, even more so in 1911 and again in 1935. Funny how bTB was only first documented in this country in the 1950's so I don't know how your numbers stack up, maybe in your extremely old age you forget these dates. So badger digging was outlawed nearly 100yrs before bTB came to this island. The first badger to be found with bTB was in 1971.



You need to learn to read


My apologies sir.


No problem mate

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I am on the fence a bit, I don't mind a reduction in badgers because I don't think they are exactly scarce, the road sides are littered with them and there are setts all over the shop. But I don't think that the science supports that a cull is really worth the effort, the best figures that pro-cull supporters can come up with suggests that a 70-90% reduction would reduce bTB by 12-16%, which I am sorry but is f**k all really isn't it.


A bit of control is fine, but this whole thing is too political and I have to agree with hutch that the backlash against the farming and hunting community outweighs the few million £'s it would save the cattle farmers (or taxpayer more accurately), which I feel bad for and I would support a legitimate solution but I can't say a mass badger cull will help.


As for Brian May, he is paying for the badgers round my way to be vaccinated (as I live in a cull area apparently) so I am happy to leave him to it, why should I prefer that they be killed? I am a bit lost on some of the argument people make against badgers, someone enlighten me please why vaccinating is worse than killing them?



The proactive cull during the RBCT reduced TB by 16% and that was without getting the 70% cull they needed.


This time it'll be different; different methods, activity based, and more flexible.


Vaccination doesn't work on badgers that are already carrying the bacteria. Much better to vaccinate in those counties with no TB as a fire break and cull in the hotspots.


The side benefit will be to other species. During the RBCT a university did a survey of one of the proactive cull areas before culling and found few, if any hedgehogs. Post culling they went back and hedgehog numbers had started to recover.


Then consider the predation of bumble bees, hares, and rare ground nesting birds, and the outcome of badger population reduction can only be a good thing.


In Devon and Cornwall there is more evidence of badgers than foxes deer and most other mammals. They are out of control and causing mayhem.


Hutch, you've gone quiet?? Busy on the google, or is Dr May on the phone telling you what to post next?


Give me a break. I'v got to leave work at some point and get home. Mr May let's me go home early on a friday though.


I'm all for reducing numbers Matt just not on this scale and not under the bTB umbrella..


On a shitty note, came home to find that dog + fly tying kit = some of the worst caddis fly imitations you've ever seen.

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only found out today how much the marksman get per badger,...............fooking hell there be some trigger happy shooters out there............ :icon_eek:


The money is shite mate.


By the time they pay out for accommodation, waiting time, fanny around with auditors and sort out security, the money left will be negligible.


I know someone who quoted for it on a per acre basis, the farmers found a cheaper contractor.


I wouldn't do it for any money. Been there, got the T shirt, eaten the ham.


I thought it was alright ,.............if there travelling then it still seems reasonable even ,.....over one hundred pound for seven tb carriers fooking sounds ok to me.......



Having done it; and dealt with all the bollocks and auditors, I can assure you it's not enough money.


How much money is reasonable to put up with the animal rights shite that goes with the job?


When I worked for MAFF I had bomb glass installed in the house, 360 lighting, a linked alarm with panic buttons, and a mirror to check under the car. I also had to drive home a different way each day as I was often followed.


These people are fanatics, and amongst them are some hard core terrorists who will stop at nothing to get at you and your family. You want more than minimum wage to do that job.


yeah but that can be like that for anybody who hunts ive seen a mate who had to move and change his name and that wasn't culling badgers(he done nothing illegal either) once your a target its easier for them ,..but you should be one step ahead ,....and not put stickers on your vehicle lol, .it must be quite daunting bringing the bother home with you.......I think you got to be a little sensible about the matter............

the sas kill muslims but there trouble isn't brought back but when your working for an organisation your more or less broadcasting it I suppose,.......I cant imagine what you went through and to be honest I cant see a marksman in the dead of night an easy target ,...........its down to the individual , ......and done professionally there shouldn't be no comebacks as the privacy protection comes with the package,.......I think years ago it was a lot different as it was more of an easy target

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We never advertised what we were doing. The animal rights brigade target people and you don't need a sign for them to find you.


TB is a huge issue which is getting worse. 38,000 cattle killed last year, and disease spreading into other species via badger vermin.


Get the numbers into perspective; what's being planned is a cull of up to 5000. Thats 10% of what is killed on the roads, and less than 2% of the national population.


That's not a big enough scale as far as I'm concerned. They could take 50,000 and there would still be too many of the things running around.

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I dont understand the politics or science of BTB or the culling of badgers, what I do know is when badger digging was legal bovine TB was virtually unheard of in the areas where we controlled badgers by digging them, 25-30 yrs ago everyone who knew anything about badgers said protecting them would cause problems, not just TB. Badger digging in a humane manner was the best way of controlling badgers.


WOW!! You must be the oldest member on here and the oldest resident in the world as it was first outlawed in 1850, even more so in 1911 and again in 1935. Funny how bTB was only first documented in this country in the 1950's so I don't know how your numbers stack up, maybe in your extremely old age you forget these dates. So badger digging was outlawed nearly 100yrs before bTB came to this island. The first badger to be found with bTB was in 1971.


PMSL where do you get this betty swollocks from????






I can only speak from experience on the ground and not from any scientific journal or any other fooking place, but when your faced with 70 year old farmer with tears streaming down his face after hes been told his herd of prize cattle that he has spent most of his adult life and his father before him have reacted positive for TB yet again and there is clear evidence of a link between badgers and TB in cattle and the fact the fooking things are rampant in our area as we are a small village with no major roads to cull the fookers. Then yes even if the cull does nothing more than create a fire break or shows if a full scale cull would be effective or not then by fook im all for it. What other hope do these farmers have ?


I agree completely that they are helpless but badgers are NOT the only carrier issue.


You're telling me that Farmer Giles hasn't already been told by Old McDonald to shoot the badgers and then throw them in the road early morning to make it look like it was run over? Maybe put some paracetamol in a bit of dog food for them? Pretty darn naive your farmers aren't they?


Go out, get a licence and blow any badger you see to kingdom come but when it fails to reduce the cases of bTB and the public cry for a full ban knowing the actaul science behind it then you've only yourselves to blame and you'll have to deal with Brian May's smug face everywhere.


Badgers need controlling just like any other animal that has no other natural predator other than man.



Not to this extent Paulus and not under this umbrella. Enjoy your hunting whilst you can.


See there you go again "whilst you can" and the cheap shot about paracetamol in dog food and badgers placed at roadside wont get a rise on here either mate. were all law abiding hunters who would never do anything against the law :thumbs:


Wrong Paulus I love kicking the shiit out of badgers especially the babies on a regular basis :laugh: :laugh:

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We never advertised what we were doing. The animal rights brigade target people and you don't need a sign for them to find you.


TB is a huge issue which is getting worse. 38,000 cattle killed last year, and disease spreading into other species via badger vermin.


Get the numbers into perspective; what's being planned is a cull of up to 5000. Thats 10% of what is killed on the roads, and less than 2% of the national population.


That's not a big enough scale as far as I'm concerned. They could take 50,000 and there would still be too many of the things running around.

I respect your views having been there yourself and done it........I honestly see ,folk who I thought would of been targeted along time ago the kind with no respect for nothing type.........it amazes me it really does,.........lets hope they have a good cull as the first one is very soon I believe.......

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Putting my head above the parapet here, but I see badgers in greater numbers than rabbits in many places when I go out, and the A roads in my area are littered with badger carcasses.

Same here mate, it's almost inevitable that you're going to see at least one badger in every other field round here when you go out at night with the lamp. They are digging up my elderly neighbours lawn at the back at a rate of knots too, which she gets upset about. I can't take my dogs up the road here and not have them on a lead after dusk because at some point we WILL come across one. I don't know if any studies have been done, but the places I used to go ferreting with my old man as a boy are mostly all barren of rabbits now and many of the same buries have been enlarged and have tell tale kicked out bedding scattered about the place. The more badgers you seem to come across, the less of everything else there appears to be..
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Putting my head above the parapet here, but I see badgers in greater numbers than rabbits in many places when I go out, and the A roads in my area are littered with badger carcasses.

Same here mate, it's almost inevitable that you're going to see at least one badger in every other field round here when you go out at night with the lamp. They are digging up my elderly neighbours lawn at the back at a rate of knots too, which she gets upset about. I can't take my dogs up the road here and not have them on a lead after dusk because at some point we WILL come across one. I don't know if any studies have been done, but the places I used to go ferreting with my old man as a boy are mostly all barren of rabbits now and many of the same buries have been enlarged and have tell tale kicked out bedding scattered about the place. The more badgers you seem to come across, the less of everything else there appears to be..


Does the old "no intention" rule not cover that eventuality?????


Good job I never got caught if it doesn't :whistling::laugh: :laugh:

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I can't see this cull thing doing any good personally ,,, that being said there are far to many of them around ....


I can't honestly understand why farmers have badger problems on there land,,,, come on its not rocket science to get rid of them

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every farmer i speak to wants them gone,they chew on the cows udders looking for milk,roll the corn,dig up bees which pollunate the trees,eat new born lambs,tb,eat hedgehogs,will kill pheasants ,eat eggs from ground nesting birds,leverets,etc.........what with buzzards becoming as common as woodpigeons we wont have any wildlife left soon

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We have unblanced nature in so many ways. The natural world cannot regulate its self as it used to. The introduction of so many alien species has tipped the balance in many cases , we are in danger of losing many british birds, mammals,Many frog toads and newts are near exstinction And all i hear from these self Obsessed jump on the band wagon mixed bunch of Burnt out pop stars and minor actors is save the badger. Its not rare never has been never will be. Yet the same animal is through no fault of its own over populating. And moving into areas spreading tb and wiping out ground nesting birds frogs toads Headge hogs , The. Otter. Is back big time. Otter hounds never brought about the near extiction of this wonderfull animal. DDTs and other pesticides did, as with. Ospreys and other harwks and falcons. They now abound. All great news. not if your a song bird Many finally ballaced eco systems are on the edge. Magpies raid little tern colonies kestrals take the not so common common tern chicks till none are left while the rsbb look on without a clue. , While its great to see the resurgence of many species but there is a knock on effect to the food chain , now the people who know the truth about the badger are being villiefied , if it was not for are forfarthers Planting forest after forest looking after grouse moors. Taking care of salmon stocks etc etc. field sports. =. CONSERVATION allways has Well before the in crowd. Turned up

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We have unblanced nature in so many ways. The natural world cannot regulate its self as it used to. The introduction of so many alien species has tipped the balance in many cases , we are in danger of losing many british birds, mammals,Many frog toads and newts are near exstinction And all i hear from these self Obsessed jump on the band wagon mixed bunch of Burnt out pop stars and minor actors is save the badger. Its not rare never has been never will be. Yet the same animal is through no fault of its own over populating. And moving into areas spreading tb and wiping out ground nesting birds frogs toads Headge hogs , The. Otter. Is back big time. Otter hounds never brought about the near extiction of this wonderfull animal. DDTs and other pesticides did, as with. Ospreys and other harwks and falcons. They now abound. All great news. not if your a song bird Many finally ballaced eco systems are on the edge. Magpies raid little tern colonies kestrals take the not so common common tern chicks till none are left while the rsbb look on without a clue. , While its great to see the resurgence of many species but there is a knock on effect to the food chain , now the people who know the truth about the badger are being villiefied , if it was not for are forfarthers Planting forest after forest looking after grouse moors. Taking care of salmon stocks etc etc. field sports. =. CONSERVATION allways has Well before the in crowd. Turned up



Very well put

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We have unblanced nature in so many ways. The natural world cannot regulate its self as it used to. The introduction of so many alien species has tipped the balance in many cases , we are in danger of losing many british birds, mammals,Many frog toads and newts are near exstinction And all i hear from these self Obsessed jump on the band wagon mixed bunch of Burnt out pop stars and minor actors is save the badger. Its not rare never has been never will be. Yet the same animal is through no fault of its own over populating. And moving into areas spreading tb and wiping out ground nesting birds frogs toads Headge hogs , The. Otter. Is back big time. Otter hounds never brought about the near extiction of this wonderfull animal. DDTs and other pesticides did, as with. Ospreys and other harwks and falcons. They now abound. All great news. not if your a song bird Many finally ballaced eco systems are on the edge. Magpies raid little tern colonies kestrals take the not so common common tern chicks till none are left while the rsbb look on without a clue. , While its great to see the resurgence of many species but there is a knock on effect to the food chain , now the people who know the truth about the badger are being villiefied , if it was not for are forfarthers Planting forest after forest looking after grouse moors. Taking care of salmon stocks etc etc. field sports. =. CONSERVATION allways has Well before the in crowd. Turned up

fooking hell someones nicked your pc.............. :laugh:

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