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Direct Line Insurance

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ive had a bit of trouble with my pups paw so I decided to get him insured ,I got my copy of country mans this morning and direct line has a offer or 12 mts insurance for the price of 10.i rang up to take them up on this and they went through all the question age ,my name etc,anyway they then asked if he was to be used a a gundog no I replied then they ascked if he was to be used for any working/pleasure jobs I said he would be used for a bit of rabbiting :whistling: they then said they wouldn't be able to insure him and hung up. and im thinking whats the point of advertising in a hunting newspaper at all :huh:

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sounds aboote right bud, i dinny agree with insurance of dogs its giving the vets a green light to charge obscene amounts, ive got credit card with a decent limit if and when the dogs get nocked up but they do have a limit on there heads :laugh::laugh:

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