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New Pup, Not A Nutcase This Time...

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7.5 months, 24tts, haven't weighed her in a while.


Hard to get decent pictures because as soon as she's off lead she's off running like a maniac. Recall getting there, but she's just still so focused on playing with any other dogs that she goes deaf very quickly when there's something more interesting going on.


She also does this weird thing, as soon as she see's another dog coming towards her, even if its 20/30 yards away, she's down lying on her belly, and will refuse to move until the dog is right next to her, then she'll jump and pounce on them waiting to play.


Was funny the first few times, but it's getting tiresome now, walks can be slow progress if there's a few dogs about, i've tried pulling her up, giving her a nudge on the backside, she just won't have it, and is on her stomach waiting until the last moment to pounce. Anybody seen this before or got any ideas how to get her out the habit?


interesting what someone mentioned about stride length in the deerhound topic, she's very, very quick already and picks her stride up quickly, noticeably faster than the last pup and the beddy whippets i've had in previous years, impressive to watch, although she might not be able to catch a cold so we'll see...



still won't admit she's too big for the cushion....



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If she's as focused on other dogs as you say then she's not as focused on you ,


When we throw a lead on the dog and take him out , the dog believes that's that the end of exciting interaction with us ,


if you think about it none of us really interact in a way the mutt might find exciting unless the lead is taken off , only then does he express himself in a meaningful canine manner, the dog knows the difference is huge,


My father always started training on a long long line ,every time the young dog was out he was on the line so the issue of feeling compressed never arose the dog was in the same frame of mind wherever on the lead or off,, a lot of dogs become lead aggressive because of the feeling of compression

Part of the reason the dog behaves on the lead as you say is because other dogs offer excitement normally unfulfilled on the lead ,


The reason she crouches is because at some stage in her early life she crouched at the sight of a dog and that brought the dog to her akin to a country wise cat who sits and does feck all and waits , did you ever watch a cat waiting for a mouse or rabbit to come out ,?? it sits for hours and wills the prey right into its mouth , it feels if it sits there the prey will come to IT but only after learning that chasing is unprofitable

Somewhat similar to a collie bred runner who feels by running he's just chasing the bunny down its hole , so it adopts another approach


I wouldn't worry too much about it , it'll figure out that rabbits don't run up and throw themselves at her in time

Best of luck, nice pup

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Cheers Casso, that all makes sense. Unsure what I can do to make her time on lead as exciting as jumping around with another dog, unless I start bouncing around like a head case too!


Hopefully it's just a phase anyway, she comes alive off lead so if we keep hammering away with the recall she can spend less time on it in the future

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  • 4 weeks later...

been following this...........pups looking real ace going to be a goon un me thinks :thumbs: with regards to the colour, could be the collie influence....didn't docherty breed one that colour and he put it down to that but who cares, if you don't like her for her colour theres a bed by the fire here she's a belter lol

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been following this...........pups looking real ace going to be a goon un me thinks :thumbs: with regards to the colour, could be the collie influence....didn't docherty breed one that colour and he put it down to that but who cares, if you don't like her for her colour theres a bed by the fire here she's a belter lol

thanks mate, god knows with the colour but i think she's a looker so that's all that matters i suppose, i'm so tight our fire hasn't even been on yet, she'd probably prefer it at your house :laugh:


Very nice...... :yes:


All the luck in the world with her..... :thumbs:


cheers mate, appreciated. If she ends up in as good nick as your dogs i'll be more than happy.


looking well.

thanks mate, i've learnt a lot about nutrition reading your posts, i'd hope she was looking well after the amount of top grub i've been feeding her!

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  • 1 month later...

10 months old, bang on 25tts, around 22kg. Don't know if the 'deerhounds are slow to mature' thing is anything but a myth, but mine is still very much a pup and nowhere near steady enough for any work this season. Can't complain though as she's very calm and laid back in the house and around people which is important to me, although if she's still daft as a brush this time next year i'll be chucking her in a box and giving her away as a secret santa present :whistling:







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10 months old, bang on 25tts, around 22kg. Don't know if the 'deerhounds are slow to mature' thing is anything but a myth, but mine is still very much a pup and nowhere near steady enough for any work this season. Can't complain though as she's very calm and laid back in the house and around people which is important to me, although if she's still daft as a brush this time next year i'll be chucking her in a box and giving her away as a secret santa present :whistling:

















She's looking good mate. Are you in touch with anyone who had a pup out of the same litter? Are they all a similar size?

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Lovely looking pup you have there my type of dog. I personally wouldn't be too worried about the recall at this stage, once the puppy phase is ove (however long it takes) you will see a change in the behaviour and the daftness will stop. Atb with the dog.

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