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Pro Sport Spoils

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Evening all, :bye:


Just got back from my local range with a few members from here. Just thought I would show you a picture of my 20 shot group using my .177 Cal TimmyTuned Pro Sport spring piston rifle. Its bedding in a treat. Range was 27 yards which is my preferred zeroing range. As you can see the groups dwarfed by the 5p piece. I have never made out I am a good shot and truly believe that this Pro Sport really is doing most of the work.












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Very good Phil. It doesn't really get any better does it mate.


Phil was on fire last night winning 3 - 1 against me in the 29 meter super small spinner comp (half the size of a 5p when on target number 5 and still only 5p size on target 4).


He then draw with me and came joint first in the same comp but standing unsupported getting to level 4 with Malc Barnard coming a very close second at level 3.


The only thing I actually beat him in last night was the 15 meter standing unsupported group comp we had with Malc aswell.


10 shots into a card and the highest points and tightest group was the winner. Im not sure who between Malc and Phil come second as they both were good scores.


All in all though Phil for me was the best shot last night with his Pro Sport. The groups he shot were spot on and he seems to be doing very well with his new rifle.


Full credit Phil.



Edited by zini
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Thanks guys,


Si I think Malc pipped me but we didn't count up the score, I just think that from an observation of the pattern of the group. A really fun night when you factor in a little friendly comp towards the end.


It was nice to meet Malc yesterday he is a really friendly chap and a cracking shot with that lively walnut tx200 he's got.



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Don't underestimate your skills Phil, I've already told you that your level is where I was at your age, a damn sight better than I am now!

The PS should do you proud now, I love them, if they fit you properly they are the ultimate spring piston rifle but do need a little more care to keep them on song.

One day I'll come up to your range as a guest and we'll put a couple of Prosports up against all challengers for fun, we'll even swap guns to give the others a chance! :laugh:


I feel a pro sport vs Hw97 tournament coming on!!! :thumbs:

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