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She's An Oldie, But Still A Goodie!

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Only a small proportion of what will be in the bag once the cows on one of our new permissions have been moved on to other pastures, my son bagged the rabbits, the squirrel I bagged with an opportunist snap shot whilst trying to get in range of some skittish cotton tails. Once the cows have moved on we've got permission to do some lamping and to try and bag a crafty Charlie, not with the 77 I hasten to add, who's got a bad name for himself in the chicken department. We were not really there to shot but to be shown round and given a heads up to where old Charlie was regularly sited, but we took the shotgun and the 77 just in case :p


My old HW77 in .20, she's battered and bruised but what a great performer



Edited by brucemyster
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nice going :thumbs: cant fault the old 77 wish I still had mine ..... you did well to get out its tipping it down here.... I sat watching two cubs ragging a rabbit skin for a good half hour last night not 40yrd away... looking at them you wouldn't believe they could be such a nuisance .... all arable around me so there not a problem in fact if there eating rabbits then that's a few less rabbits on the crop but chicken killer must die I agree...... good luck

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A 77 .20, am looking for it for years! Do you send overseas? :tongue2::D

it's family, my son grew up knocking pigeons out of the oak tree we had in our back garden with it, could just about cock it and had to use a road spike as a rest as he wasn't strong enough to hold it steady!! Now he's 21 and still loves shooting it even though he's graduated to shotguns.

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hw77 in .20 - rare ! I bet it shoots spot on - look after it & treat it to a service - strip - clean & relube - pure quality

beyond looking good now I'm afraid :) to many long days mistreated, out in all weathers and bouncing about in the back of the truck, shoots sweet though and with someone who knows what there doing and a few more £'s than me I'm sure it could be made to look the dogs again, never let me down and if your good enough to hit the spot it's a kill every time, a good trajectory like a .177 but enough weight to give the concussion and not drill at closer ranges

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