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  On 28/05/2013 at 21:02, lurcher1 said:


  On 28/05/2013 at 20:57, lab-tastic said:

A sad day Malt mate.............. :cray:

I have 2 grandparents left on my Dads side.............typical Catholics still going strong, must be the holy water and trips to Lourdes that done it... :D


Lost my gran on my mums side when i was young. Struggle to remember anytime i spent with her.


But the one that got me was losing my Grandad back in 2009........proper country/hunting man and knew all the tricks of the trades in that area. Always a strong man, ex marine and took no shit...........I try not to think back to the times when he was in the height of pain through bone cancer, it wasn't nice and the person that passed away on that hospital bed wasn't the Grandad that i knew and loved. His photo takes pride of place on my shelf.......hope he's looking down thinking am doing things right....... :thumbs:


Chin up Malt buddy........ :victory:

im sure he is pal........... :thumbs:


Aye maybe sometimes..... ;):thumbs: ............The odd time ive been picking up and retrieved a cracker i have a wee look up and wondering if he's watching.... :laugh:

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A men to that,, lost my last one back in November, she was 92....grand ole bird she was,, still busy in her late ,s,, burryed 2 husbands,,, both of wich saw service in ww2, as did she in the factory's

say what you have to in her ear mate for once shes gone its too late. what we forget is that they don't live forever although we always think they do. and no matter when they do die even though ya may

Mine are all long gone, my grandad died when i was 19 and nana died when i was 14 My grandparents on my dads side died before i was born... My dad being the youngest and me being his youngest they ne

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Shame that.....like someone else said,get anything out you want to say to her.........and even maybe stuff you didnt want to say................some of us leave it too late sadly !.............Try and keep your chin up mate.

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  On 28/05/2013 at 21:09, lab-tastic said:


  On 28/05/2013 at 21:02, lurcher1 said:


  On 28/05/2013 at 20:57, lab-tastic said:

A sad day Malt mate.............. :cray:

I have 2 grandparents left on my Dads side.............typical Catholics still going strong, must be the holy water and trips to Lourdes that done it... :D


Lost my gran on my mums side when i was young. Struggle to remember anytime i spent with her.


But the one that got me was losing my Grandad back in 2009........proper country/hunting man and knew all the tricks of the trades in that area. Always a strong man, ex marine and took no shit...........I try not to think back to the times when he was in the height of pain through bone cancer, it wasn't nice and the person that passed away on that hospital bed wasn't the Grandad that i knew and loved. His photo takes pride of place on my shelf.......hope he's looking down thinking am doing things right....... :thumbs:


Chin up Malt buddy........ :victory:

im sure he is pal........... :thumbs:


Aye maybe sometimes..... ;):thumbs: ............The odd time ive been picking up and retrieved a cracker i have a wee look up and wondering if he's watching.... :laugh:


if it keeps you happy mate then all good!!! i might be wrong here lol but was one of your grandads a greyhound man???

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all my grand parents are gone, really wish i could sit and talk about the old day/ ways with them, even dad and brother has gone, only myself and mum left now, my mums sister - my aunty, but dont really bother with any of my other family properly only now and again i see them at funerals, sad really,

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  On 28/05/2013 at 21:56, lurcher1 said:


  On 28/05/2013 at 21:09, lab-tastic said:


  On 28/05/2013 at 21:02, lurcher1 said:


  On 28/05/2013 at 20:57, lab-tastic said:

A sad day Malt mate.............. :cray:

I have 2 grandparents left on my Dads side.............typical Catholics still going strong, must be the holy water and trips to Lourdes that done it... :D


Lost my gran on my mums side when i was young. Struggle to remember anytime i spent with her.


But the one that got me was losing my Grandad back in 2009........proper country/hunting man and knew all the tricks of the trades in that area. Always a strong man, ex marine and took no shit...........I try not to think back to the times when he was in the height of pain through bone cancer, it wasn't nice and the person that passed away on that hospital bed wasn't the Grandad that i knew and loved. His photo takes pride of place on my shelf.......hope he's looking down thinking am doing things right....... :thumbs:


Chin up Malt buddy........ :victory:

im sure he is pal........... :thumbs:


Aye maybe sometimes..... ;):thumbs: ............The odd time ive been picking up and retrieved a cracker i have a wee look up and wondering if he's watching.... :laugh:


if it keeps you happy mate then all good!!! i might be wrong here lol but was one of your grandads a greyhound man???


Thats ma Dad mate............................ ;)

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Its been a very long time since i lost my parents and a good while before them my grandparents the same goes for the wifes as well. Strange even after all these years the loss has never gone away :thumbs:

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Malt i sorry to hear your news. I only had one grandmother i remember, i lost years before she died thanks to dementia, suffered 15 years of deterioration before she died back in 1993 I was 23 yrs old at the time.


My paternal grandmother died when i was 11mths old, she had been a widow for 38 years, my maternal grandfather died when my Mum was 5mths pregnant with me.


Hold the memories that you have of her close Malt.


My mum died last year, we were very close, she was my friend, my covenant, my inspiration and the most wonderful mother anyone could ask for, she gave me courage and determination to overcome my limitation, teach me the meaning of love and family, as Mike described her "one of the old sort, and good old bird" she only 79 years old, i wasn't ready to lose her.


This poem helped me through the hard times that followed, Malt i hope it helps you too.



You can shed tears that she is gone
or you can smile because she has lived.

You can close your eyes and pray that she’ll come back
or you can open your eyes and see all she’s left.

Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her
or you can be full of the love you shared.

You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.

You can remember her and only that she’s gone
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.

You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back
or you can do what she’d want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.




Edited by Mrs Mole
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Thanks all! :good:


I spent the night by her side in a recliner and held her hand as she passed away quietly late this morning.. RIP Nan, you will be missed. X

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I dont really remember my dads parents , they died when i was a child


my dads parents


I do remember my moms parents & was very close to my nan Edna


Nanny Edna & Grandad


I vaguely remember my gg gran on my moms side though , Harriet , firey old gal by all accounts with a mop of red hair :laugh:




Dont remember this old dear though , she was my nanny Ednas nanny :laugh:







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  On 29/05/2013 at 14:57, Malt said:

Thanks all! :good:


I spent the night by her side in a recliner and held her hand as she passed away quietly late this morning.. RIP Nan, you will be missed. X


I'm glad for you both that you could be there. Chin up mate. :thumbs:

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