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Your Views On The Edl ?

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  On 28/05/2013 at 17:15, Gaz_1989 said:


  On 28/05/2013 at 11:02, barnesyboy86 said:

If we followed true to that approach then Jamie Bulgers killers are 10 year olds. So lets deport all 10 year olds. Ian Huntley was a caretaker, lets deport all caretakers.

That's a terrible analogy mate.


Ian Huntley didn't kill because he was a caretaker. He killed because he was a nut case.


Same for all other one of murderers/rapists/peadophiles etc.


These are killing BECAUSE THEY ARE MUSLIM!!!


I'm not saying all Muslims are terrorists. But all terrorists are Muslim.


So f**k off all the Muslims. Problem solved.


all terrorist are muslim? ira ?lol

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People seem to be falling into the trap that there are extremist muslims and moderate muslims, the only difference between the two is that the extremists want to fight and conquer in the name of allah

Realistically? I'd focus on threats to British security, rather than religion. Just because 99% of those threats originate from extremist Muslims simply means that Islam is the demographic where secur

I agree and support what they stand for but dont think the football terrace antics are the way to best appeal to the public

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People seem to be falling into the trap that there are extremist muslims and moderate muslims, the only difference between the two is that the extremists want to fight and conquer in the name of allah/islam (jihad). The so called moderates are quietly biding their time until their numbers are greatly increased and then you'll see them change, they have no choice, its in the quran and spelled out for them in the hadiths. There is only 1 way we can possibly win the battle....By force

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Don't think any elected government is going to start repatriation we would be pariahs to the rest of the world the people behind the scenes would lose too much money with their shady deals and backhanders for this or that investment the only way this country is going to stay white is when it kicks off like the Balkans and it will do but another 20/30 years yet they know they ain't got a chance to win yet but soon as they approach a good % of the population where they can hold some of the country we will be flooded with jihadis from the toilet of the world so only thing we can do at the minute is on a personal level and that's up to you to decide what that is just educate your children

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  On 29/05/2013 at 08:22, gonetoearth said:


  On 28/05/2013 at 22:51, gnasher16 said:

As much as the EDL,s efforts to " get out there " are to be admired..........i cant help thinking the majority of people attending these marches are the impressionable everyday folk who just want to be part of something...........whats the next group going to be called.............we had the National Front in our day......the BNP later on..........now we,ve got the EDL.............my guess would be the majority of people supporting these groups and going on marches have no real anger and venom at what they are protesting about they just want to be " part of something ".........most seem to have too many smiles on their faces for my liking they actually look like they are having fun.................they think carrying a St George,s flag and singing terrace chants makes them hardcore patriots..........i dont know the answer but i do believe in the saying " Better to go into battle with 5 lions than 500 sheep ".

well put gnash. Its been a. Very emotinal 5. Days. The murder of. The soldier has brought to the fore many opinions some Comments from people who would never. Be assosiated with the edl or any other political group some of the comments are construtive some just rants i my self have been swept away and used terminology i would never use. The horror that was brought to are tv screens activated hatred , i only hope. The powers that be take note and relise that not only the perpertratoirs can be radicalised but young white men could go the same way in reaction to recent events .


i really do feel for you GTE as its obvious you've got nearest and dearest fighting for us in some shit hole somwhere, and thankfully we have men that are still willing to stand on the fronlines for us, i just wished i believed that it was for the right reasons.

there's a lot of sense in what you've posted, i think your comments are completely understandable over the past 5 days and takes a man to look inwards as well as strike out.

ATB to you and yours. :thumbs:

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Guest ragumup
  On 29/05/2013 at 14:10, Pedwar said:

People seem to be falling into the trap that there are extremist muslims and moderate muslims, the only difference between the two is that the extremists want to fight and conquer in the name of allah/islam (jihad). The so called moderates are quietly biding their time until their numbers are greatly increased and then you'll see them change, they have no choice, its in the quran and spelled out for them in the hadiths. There is only 1 way we can possibly win the battle....By force

Unfortunately you may be right ....anyone that doubts that , ask yourself how did turkey,egypt ,north Africa ,Afghanistan, iraq,pakistan and more recently 1970"s lebanon,and Iran go from being one culture (buddhist christen,or hindu or whatever ) to being Muslim country.... look in to the history

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  On 01/06/2013 at 18:31, maxhardcore said:

A Question to anyone serving or served over the last 5 years.


What percentage of Serving and Ex Servicemen do you think are supportive of the EDL in the recent light of them having to turn down donations because of Political pressure.


What im getting at is its Sacralige of Politicians telling them to loose Funds so not to upset those who have now Killed one of Our soldiers on British soil.


Its discraceful, fooking discraceful.


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The Labour Party are going mad about an EDL march in remembrance of a man killed in an interracial murder. In comparison Labour have blood on their hands for invading brown Muslim peoples lands killing and maiming thousands whilst inviting Muslims to live in England to seek retribution and should be totally outraged with their own sickening insane murderous actions which actually created the EDL as a symptom of their sick actions, not to mention their ethnic clearing of the English whilst subjugating them to discrimination, demonising, stereotyping, ridicule and Anglophobia. Don't swallow their lies and don't accept their murder in our name.

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  On 01/06/2013 at 18:57, maxhardcore said:

Iv no doubt many many Serving and Ex Serving Forces men-women are Supportive of the EDL if not secretly Members.

But what percentage would you consider are either members of the EDL or Supportive ?


20% , 50% , 99% ?


Anyone get on here who could give us Educated numbers that wouldnt be far off the mark ?


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Guest ragumup
  On 01/06/2013 at 18:47, paulus said:

The Labour Party are going mad about an EDL march in remembrance of a man killed in an interracial murder. In comparison Labour have blood on their hands for invading brown Muslim peoples lands killing and maiming thousands whilst inviting Muslims to live in England to seek retribution and should be totally outraged with their own sickening insane murderous actions which actually created the EDL as a symptom of their sick actions, not to mention their ethnic clearing of the English whilst subjugating them to discrimination, demonising, stereotyping, ridicule and Anglophobia. Don't swallow their lies and don't accept their murder in our name.

spot on

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Ive attended a couple of EDL rallys,i won,t go to another,badly organised and run with a minority of the followers that bring the credibility levels down.If they organised better,took charge and controlled the numptys in their ranks,they would receive a better audience and following.As an ex squaddie im,in principle,an advocate of what they are saying and trying to get across,from somebody that lives in Bradford im all for most of what they have to say,as a father with daughters and living in this area,im fully behind some of their mandate.Until they re-organise and control the minority in their ranks,they will suffer from the prejudices of a Goverment controlled press and Policeforce.

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