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Your Views On The Edl ?

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ive been watching some of the videos and looking at the website for the edl and i though they were a rasist group but there not from [BANNED TEXT] ive seen they have siek and muslim member black members and this is good news cause [BANNED TEXT] im hearing them say makes alot of sense so im wondering what you lot think about them

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People seem to be falling into the trap that there are extremist muslims and moderate muslims, the only difference between the two is that the extremists want to fight and conquer in the name of allah

Realistically? I'd focus on threats to British security, rather than religion. Just because 99% of those threats originate from extremist Muslims simply means that Islam is the demographic where secur

I agree and support what they stand for but dont think the football terrace antics are the way to best appeal to the public

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They're like every group or party. Pros and cons to everything. If you look at what happened recently by those cowards in woolwich people were quick to say deport all Muslims. If we followed true to that approach then Jamie Bulgers killers are 10 year olds. So lets deport all 10 year olds. Ian Huntley was a caretaker, lets deport all caretakers.


It's a tough subject that's not being dealt with. I am not condoning what happened recently in woolwich, because it was barbaric and ridiculous, but our soldiers are not in Afghanistan or Iraq for our benefit. They are their to boost a bank balance. Money we will never see. We are all cattle in the big picture. Lambs to the slaughter. If a foreign army came into the UK and took over and wanted to steal your oil how would you react? You would fight back. We as a country need to stop meddling elsewhere and sort our own mess out. When that Tory clown Cameron pipes up about our soldiers protecting queen and country he couldnt be further from it. They would be protecting queen and country if they was here not in Afghanistan.


Edl have half decent intentions it's just a shame that most who support it don't know their own countrys involvement and reason. They tend to point the finger at foreigners when really that person was looking to escape a 3rd world toilet.

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As much as I admire the EDL for making a stand and the last few marches looking a lot more organised and ran well while there only real mandate is stopping the islamification of this country they'll sadly not really get anywhere.


We all hate the spin and false manifesto's of the main political party's but this is the one thing that would adhere the EDL to more people if they had a proper political agenda to follow, I think if the EDL got a "spin doctor" and became a legitimate political party they'd ruffle a lot more feathers in Westminister.

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  On 28/05/2013 at 10:31, Pedwar said:

I agree and support what they stand for but dont think the football terrace antics are the way to best appeal to the public

In a nutshell.

They will never get the more moderate masses to see their point of view if they dont address their image, at the moment it is very easy for the media to marginalize them and make them out to be a purely racist organisation.

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  On 28/05/2013 at 16:47, maxhardcore said:

Always said id Never support them as i thought they were racist.

They could have racist people who follow them just the same as the Labour Party or Torys coud also.

But imo the Majority of EDL Supporters are just everyday Folk who have had a Gutfull and who now couldnt give a Hoot if the Media portray them as Racist when in essence they are Patriots.

Good on them and Fairplay .

I feel exactly the same..Not knowing much about them but over the last few days watched alot of stuff and Tommy especially comes across like he has his head screwed on to the problem at hand. He is the first to admit that when the EDL was formed they drank too much and didnt go about things the correct way....they have changed that. Of course there will be people filled with rage that they are hell bent on causing havoc....that happens with alot of large gatherings.....football fans being one of the worst.

Atleast they are out there in numbers and showing support........... :thumbs:

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  On 28/05/2013 at 16:54, rascal_2005 said:

Braindead drunken football hooligans!

Nice..........what paper do you write for?

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  On 28/05/2013 at 16:57, rascal_2005 said:

No paper, but have been to a march with them

Well youve certainly seen first hand what they do, more than me..... :thumbs: So thats your honest opinion of what they were like.....do you think they are getting any message across?

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