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Bomber Command Memorial Vandalised !

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Guest ragumup

Islams been at war with the west long before these wars we are daral har (can't spell it ) but it means house of war... the only difference now is they have petrol dollars which is funding it all

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Half the trouble is we no longer understand the Arab/ Muslim world......we think they should be like us which they don't want to be Now in the days of the empire we understood them well, we befriende

I have sat and had conversations about this with one of my best pals, he has two tours of Afghan under his belt with 16AA   He said to me one night " I wouldn't like to think it was for nothing"  

no vote means no goverment?does it! they would just keep tossing a coin till they got through all the seats, oh i certainly do not consider myself brainwashed cause i choose to vote. ridiculous statem

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Islams been at war with the west long before these wars we are daral har (can't spell it ) but it means house of war... the only difference now is they have petrol dollars which is funding it all

They had petrol dollars before mate but they had the likes of Saddam, Gadaffi etc to keep a lid on things.....sure there was random acts of terror and obviously this radicalisation has been happening for a generation.....but once you start removing leaders of these countries then all bets are off.......any potential leader will only rule in an Arab way so to me, if he thinks the west won't let him do that then it makes sense to just back the fight against the west rather than get a lid on your own people.


Libya wasn't really a threat any more until we decided to remove Gaddaffi....now, it's a mish mash of factions all killing each other and hating the west because their country has gone to shit


Same as Egypt, where there was once control, now it's a free for all, again the west will end up getting the blame


When you have a mad dog, it don't make a lot of sense to keep hitting it with a stick !

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Syria is next...do our politicians think we are that stupid that we don't know that they are funding the exact same people who were attacking our troops in Iraq?

We should be helping the Syrian government put their people back in their box ASAP

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you'd think we'd learn, how long will it be before they're pointing the weapons we're going to give them back at us?




It's already been well reported that a load of foreign Jihadists have flocked there to fight the government with the rebels, great idea arming them eh?

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I couldn't agree more but they are an ally of Iran and the west has had a hard on for them for years. Iran is supplying all the weapons to Syria....Syria supply Hezbollah...Hezbollah attack Israel


We don't need to give the Syrians any money or weapons because they are hammering the so called FSA. We just need to leave them to it.


Watcha few videos and take a look at the weaponry...all paid for by the US/UK and supplied via Turkey

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I have sat and had conversations about this with one of my best pals, he has two tours of Afghan under his belt with 16AA


He said to me one night " I wouldn't like to think it was for nothing"


My reply was this, " it wasn't for nothing mate, you got given a job by the government and like our lads always do, you went there and did that job to the very best of your ability, acquitted yourselves well, kept your mates alive and showed the world what the best soldiers in the world can do.....you did your job...........that means something"


There's not a single man in Westminster fit to lace our armed forces boots, I don't know of a single person who was ever not 100% behind our troops but I know plenty that could never figure out why we put these lads in harms way in some far off piss hole with no clear objective and made them do it with one hand tied behind their back.


Unless another country openly attacks us then leave our lads at home and let the shady lot get on with it....JMHO

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I have sat and had conversations about this with one of my best pals, he has two tours of Afghan under his belt with 16AA


He said to me one night " I wouldn't like to think it was for nothing"


My reply was this, " it wasn't for nothing mate, you got given a job by the government and like our lads always do, you went there and did that job to the very best of your ability, acquitted yourselves well, kept your mates alive and showed the world what the best soldiers in the world can do.....you did your job...........that means something"


There's not a single man in Westminster fit to lace our armed forces boots, I don't know of a single person who was ever not 100% behind our troops but I know plenty that could never figure out why we put these lads in harms way in some far off piss hole with no clear objective and made them do it with one hand tied behind their back.


Unless another country openly attacks us then leave our lads at home and let the shady lot get on with it....JMHO

i begrudgingly liked that wilf......... :D well said!!!......... :victory:

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I just bloody knew it would only be a question of time before this mongrel religion would be scrawled on the Bomber Command Memorial. The majority of Bomber command operations flew from bases in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. That's where this memorial should have been sited, in the middle of Lincolnshire, away from the middle of London, where this Islamic scum and filth reside like a colony. The era the memorial represents has long, long passed for the people of the capital.


How far are we gonna be pushed before we start seriously fighting back under provocation like this? :hmm: What's it going to take before we say enough is enough? :hmm: Another murdered British citizen? Another act of desecration of our history, our monuments of respect for our fallen in honourable battle?


I don't want to get into a ruck with anybody here, I don't have a beef with anyone. I am a bit forthright in what I say sometimes. But what exactly is our place in this country now? We are being systematically outlawed for open display of any patriotic or Christian symbols we are proud to wear "For FEAR of causing offence" Fear is the operative word here. Offence?





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We have to stand our ground, not be drawn in to pointless fights/riots, keep voting for UKIP and keep voicing our opinion in the right way which is none violent!


We can change this country but not by apathy or voting red/blue/yellow


In fact the worst crime is not to vote....

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We have to stand our ground, not be drawn in to pointless fights/riots, keep voting for UKIP and keep voicing our opinion in the right way which is none violent!


We can change this country but not by apathy or voting red/blue/yellow


In fact the worst crime is not to vote....

How's that then? You lot have voted all your adult lives and look where we are!!! Your that brainwashed you'll continue to vote these morons who don't give a f**k for us for the rest of your life and still blame us who refuse to be part of their greedy game. Ukip, EDL, they might talk the talk but so have the rest at some point and you've swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Have you ever voted anyone and they've got in power? Did they make a difference? Obviously not now your voting with blind faith.......

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We have to stand our ground, not be drawn in to pointless fights/riots, keep voting for UKIP and keep voicing our opinion in the right way which is none violent!


We can change this country but not by apathy or voting red/blue/yellow


In fact the worst crime is not to vote....

How's that then? You lot have voted all your adult lives and look where we are!!! Your that brainwashed you'll continue to vote these morons who don't give a f**k for us for the rest of your life and still blame us who refuse to be part of their greedy game. Ukip, EDL, they might talk the talk but so have the rest at some point and you've swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Have you ever voted anyone and they've got in power? Did they make a difference? Obviously not now your voting with blind faith.......

good post.everybody should refuse to turn out at voting time show them up to the world.ukip wont do nothing once they get the cushy jobs.its called ruling by fooling .
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Guest ragumup



We have to stand our ground, not be drawn in to pointless fights/riots, keep voting for UKIP and keep voicing our opinion in the right way which is none violent!


We can change this country but not by apathy or voting red/blue/yellow


In fact the worst crime is not to vote....

How's that then? You lot have voted all your adult lives and look where we are!!! Your that brainwashed you'll continue to vote these morons who don't give a f**k for us for the rest of your life and still blame us who refuse to be part of their greedy game. Ukip, EDL, they might talk the talk but so have the rest at some point and you've swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Have you ever voted anyone and they've got in power? Did they make a difference? Obviously not now your voting with blind faith.......

good post.everybody should refuse to turn out at voting time show them up to the world.ukip wont do nothing once they get the cushy jobs.its called ruling by fooling .


Well I think/hope it really is different this time.....get all you know to vote ukip .......

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Not voting has to be madness because you canl be sure the tribes will be. A few more elections and we'll have muslim parties ruling certain areas. Then a muslim PM a few years down the line.


It doesn't bear thinking about. I want my grandkids to be British and proud of it.

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