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Out For An Hour Hw 100

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Well after having the 177 for a few week and doing a lot of plinking to get used to the flatter trajectory of the smaller pellet, and also the effects of the wind. i decided i was confident enough to try the pellets out on live quarry. i went to one of my permissions, checked zero in the quiet farm yard. Then walked over to the first gate. i looked through and saw a couple of kits. i pinged bem with the range finder and they where sat munchitng grass at 38rds. now i hate shooting kits but immediately there to do a job at the end of the day. i leaned on the gate and took the shot. over it rolled, and its mate came to have a sniff of its pal. i didn't shoot the second one, as long as i had at least one kit to show the farmer he would be happy enough. had a little walk round a couple of fieldsand a few rabbits got up and scarpered before i saw them. then i came around a hedge slowly, answer there was 1 sat out sunning itself. at 38 yrds. i extended the legs on the bi-pod took aim, and fired. missed!!!! I miss judged the wind. so i then set up a paper target, and had a plink , moving the target and shooting from all sides. with confidence renewed, i entered the next field, and managed to stalk to within shooting range of 3 adult rabbits within the next hour. could only pick up 2 of them because a cow trampled on the 3rd. lol.

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Well played buddy!


Those blooming cows always ruin the party! One of my perms has cows on it and I avoid them like the plaque, especially the big arsed white bull that likes to chase people who are dressed in camo!



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Tell me about it. there is 4 massive mature trees on this permission all in a line. last yr the cows where at the other side of the field. as i was walking up through the field to a big warren, the big brown bull saw me, and came charging across the field followed by about 20 cows. i ran to the trees, but i was amazed to see how fast they could move. They followed me round the trees for ages, led by the bull. but then all of a sudden, they got bored and charged off down the bottom end of the field. but it put the right sh#ts up me. they was following me through the trees for what seemed like forever. lol

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Sounds like you had a good shoot mate. The wind can be naughty when your used to shooting a larger caliber rifle. Well done on the kit. As long as the farmer is happy he isnt to know what you didn't decide to shoot.

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tbh si, i could of taken a couple more kits, but i like seeing them around. 1 sat no more than 20 yrds away while i stalked 2 rabbits. i went past it twice, and it just sat blinking in the evening sun. i just watched it for a while, and left it alone. the farmer dosnt know and as long as i take the occasional one back through the yard,there is more than one happy bunny!!!!

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