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Running Horse Paddocks

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just wondered if any of you run these little paddocks can be good bit sport for my little bitch,quick off the mark and fully committed right into the fence line.


not productive for numbers obviously lucky to get a couple runs but ferreting out the question busy footpath the other side of fence,done it once years ago complete drama,pet dogs running everywhere carrying rabbits being chased by frustrated owners :D

nice little area for using the air-rifle though,plenty surrounding cover to tuck into.


shite vid on my mobile but you get the idea cheers



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The aftermath of horses getting spooked :cray: I personly would keep well clear :yes:

the owners are there everyday with couple terriers barking constantly throughout lessons being given to riders,yes they show bit of interest in the dog but very well used to them although did have a mate lose a dog years ago to a swift kick,my bitch tends to steer clear but get your point cheers

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I work horse paddocks a lot but only when the horses are not out. My dog is stock broken and trust him its the horses I don't trust I also ferret stable blocks but the dog is only used for marking as to many fences around. There's nothing worse than spooked live stock I think its putting the dog in unessary danger

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I've got a couple of spots with horses on and TBH I don't like or trust the b*****ds, very unpredictable :censored:

However, one place is only a mile or so away, holds plenty of rabs and has some nice flat fields :thumbs:

There are about 12 fields of 5 to 10 acres and I've had some good nights there, unfortunately there are race horses in every field so it's not as good as it could be but you've got to get your runs whenever you can.


Cheers, D.


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i run my dog on horse paddocks and had some good sport from them,but most rabbits tend to get away due to the fields being seperated by sheep fencing,its good daytime bushing the banks for the dogs as they can only run into the fields and seen some good runs like this :thumbs:

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looks like a waste of time the dogs going to miss far more than it catches I would lamp it when the horses aren't in it good windy night youle have more luck :thumbs:

the whole area surrounded by arable fields plenty to go at on windy nights out lamping,its just a quick opertunity for the dog to pick the odd one up so would never look at it as a waste of time,dogs running them good enough for me like i say not productive but there you go cheers :thumbs:

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I see a horse chase a rabbit the other day walking through a paddock, I cheered him on but it made cover!! I'm not on drugs (much) I honestly see this happen lol

a horse that wont enter cover is no good to me :laugh:

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