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Lazy Sunday Hunt

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First things first, ive been reunited with my ultimate spring piston rifle after much swapping and changing due to one thing or another and this ones the one!


Of course I'm on about the fabled Pro Sport. This new one went to TimmyTree for a much needed semi tune up due to the AA monkeys not greasing the internals properly in the factory and leaving many rough edges internally.


I marvelled at its brilliance when Timmy handed it back to me on Saturday when I made the trip to his man cave. It truly was a different rifle indeed and from good experience having owned many tuned rifles I would say it was on par with the HW97KT S2 tuned rifle I swapped for this one with a good friend, Si (Zini).


Here is a pic of the 10 shot group I shot on Timmy's private range straight after putting the rifle back together at 25 meters. My preferred zeroing range. This gun can only get better after a few more tins of pellets. I could have kicked myself with the last shot which ruined the group and went way low and off to the right. I really wobbled, must have been the cider or shooting sticks lol,


Thats a .177 pellet in the middle to give an idea of the size.




So today was time to go for a late evening lazy stroll down my biggest permission. I decided to see what Mr Pittaway was up to and invite him along, he agreed and after a very short journey over to his house, Zini on board, we made our way to the perm.


We started off making sure our rifles were zeroed which they were not and both were out by a few inches, let that be a reminder to others to check before you shoot live vermin.


After a fiddle here and there both rifles were boringly doing 1 hole groups in a breeze. Si wanted to see what the Pro Sport fired like and had a few shots, a little grin followed by "thats just like the 97kt you had". Says it all Timmy, thankyou your a star!


we had a lazy mooch round the 140 acres and plenty of rabbits were out and about but none were to be had due to them being very skittish and not allowing for medium range shots. The closest I think we could get was 65 meters to which Si nearly gave it a hair cut.


As we made our way around a line of trees I could hear the distinct sound of a crow coming from a tree not far away round a corner. I gradually peeked through a gap in the trees nearest me and spotted the crow say facing towards my location looking away and up. I dropped to one knee and raised the Pro Sport up for a unsupported kneeling shot. Guestimate to target was approximately 25 meters and bang on my zero.


The firing cycle zipped away with nothing more than a gentle nudge to the shoulder and the unmistakeable phut sound followed by the sound of the crows skull being impacted by a AA Field pellet.


As I carried on with the follow through in the scope I could see the crows head and the impact and then watched as it motionlessly fell forward and off the branch stone dead into a bush. High fives and hand shakes complete from the master marksman and I was well chuffed!


When I went and collected the crow I couldnt believe the size of it. The picture really doesnt do it justice as I tried to stretch the wings out but they kept folding back in. When fully stretched the wingpan was just slightly longer than the whole Pro Sport!




We stayed till the sun went down and many more rabbits ran out 50 meters in front and didnt hang around to see what two spring piston rifles can do.


We called it a day and as a last little test we decided in fading light, and when I say fading light I mean you couldnt see the black cross hairs in the scope, shooting a very small spinner at 50 lased meters! Both rifles and operators hitting the little spinner time and time again after a very small tweak. What was impressive was before the spinner was shot we both shot a target at 50 meters to correct windage and both Pro Sport and VHTV Spectre made a perfect 1 hole group at 50 meters in fading light! both shooting 2 pellets through the exact same hole, you would have had to have used a very accurate measuring device to see where the second pellet made the hole fractionally bigger for both rifles.


Absolutely brilliant ending to a lazy sunday Mooch.


All the best




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Timmy this extra work and matched spring and guide have me all excited, can't wait mate.


Had an awesome day yesterday at yours and today out in the field!


Tuesday night I'm hopefully going to smash the indoor range and get a whole tin through her! She's sooooo smooth now! Hardly any recoil, no noise from the action.


A BLOOMING delight!



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Well dun phil i love it when a pellet from a crow sport hits a crow the whack is some thing els and your stock is nice to mate well i got my first rabbit with mine to night taken out at 34 yards with one shot just left of its eye these rifles have earned a place in my heart and the respect they deserve got to be the best springer s out there and i thought i wud never say that as iv all ways loved the 97 atvbmac

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Yes thanks for the invite again Phil. Your permission is a lovely one, and is now full of a good variety of air rifle quarry. Rabbits though very skittish due to the shotgun syndicate that obviously blasts them whenever they see one are all over the permission and I lost count early at around 19 before counting became boring. There must have been many more that we didnt see, pigeons in the high 2 and 3 figure numbers, squirrels and crows.


The terrain doesn't really lend itself to airgun hunting due to the steep inclines (really big hills) that means from the way the breeze was blowing we needed to approach from down hill or across the hill which meant a prone or kneeling shot wasnt on due to you being lower than the target and now with the long grass at this time of year the target was obscured. The good thing about this is though as I said yesterday is it makes shooting anything a massive sense of achievement because everything needs to be perfect from the stalk to the shooting position.


Regarding Phil Pro Sport. When we got to the permission as Phil said we adjusted our zeros as both were off.


When Phil shot his rifle I could hear a distinct difference in the firing cycle from when i owned it. Quieter, quicker and smoother with no vibration or piston bounce what so ever. It seems what Timmy as done to it as improved it 10 fold.


I had a go with it at this point to now feel the difference.


Now from shooting a springer that Davy as zeroed I know that im usually an inch or 2 low and inch or 2 to the right due to having a fat face and looking though the scope with a different amount of cheek pressure, also from a different style of hold, so I wasnt expecting to hit the blue pen mark target the size of a .177 pellet at 27 yards.


True to fashion I was an inch low and an inch right with the first shot so reloaded for the second shot.


Keeping the same POA I released the trigger putting the second pellet directly 100% with no deviation though the first pellet hole making a 2 shot, exact 4.52mm hole. Timmy as done a brilliant job there me thinks and full credit to him.


I would say the Pro Sport is as smooth as my tuned HW97KT with about the same recoil in all honestly and getting good accuracy from the Pro Sport is pretty easy now after the fettle and grease.


Regarding the carrion crow Phil shot.


Phil has been very modest here ill tell you. The way he tells it, it was a simple (zero range) shot at a crow in a tree. Well it wasn't. We were under the end branches of a bush and tree and the crow was in a position in another big tree where Phil had to first shoot through the branches of our tree without hitting leaves then feed the pellet through a dinner plate size opening in the other tree to hit the crow in the head and all from a kneeling unsupported position.


Quality shooting I witnessed there and nothing less.


The pellet impacted with the reasounding crack and thud of body matter and bone / skull then the bird just fell without even flapping off its branch to the base of its tree. On inspection the pellet took out the top of the crows skull rendering it brain dead before it left its perch. Quality Phil.


I had 2 attempt at rabbits but at long range and missed both without any wounding. The first the pellet landed just infront of its nose on a dirt track and the second gave the bunny a hair cut. I almost got a second shot off on it as it ducked down then popped back up, but was off as I was just taking off the safety.


Regarding the 50 meter small spinner and target plastic box.


To really fine adjust our scopes as the breeze add stopped as the light started failing we put up a target box at 50 meters. Aiming at one point then calibrating our scopes aim point by shooting 2 shot groups we adjusted a few clicks right or left until we got a perfect vertical line from POA to POI at the 50 meters.


The final 2 shot groups from both Phils .177 Pro Sport and my .22 Spectre went through the same hole. This from a springer is pretty impressive to say the least especially at 50 meters (55 yards).


We then put up the small spinner and after raising our barrels above the longish grass to avoid pellet deflection both managed to hit the spinner 3 times on the trot.


All in all it was a really great stroll around Phils permission with 2 mates and their prized airguns.


Phils much better a shot than he credits himself for in his posts (he's another Wurtz) whos also a very good shot with his springers.


Phil should try HFT at Old Down Pursuits as I think he would do very well with his Pro Sport once all his aim points are calibrated. He would hold his own quite well against the likes of myself, Davy and the other springer boys ive shot with as he seems to be a naturally good shot.


Thanks again Phil.



Edited by zini
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Villaman, Timmy worked on my Pro Sport as he has one himself and has stripped it more times than he's had hot dinners by all accounts. I'm sure he can do other springers as essentially they all work under the same principle!


You would be best off pm'ing him I reckon mate.


Si, it truly was a good day and we had a good laugh as well. The terrain is tough there which is why I never come back with massive bags, but then that doesn't disappoint me as like you said when you do get a good shot on it makes you appreciate what you had to do to get it.


Your welcome anytime buddy! Oh and old downs hft keeps alluding me so far this year but can't wait to get up there at some point and get stuck in. The Pro Sport just suits me better and ups my game.



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Great read lads, sounds like you had a good stroll out with Si and what a great shot on the crow.


I was speaking with Dave Hall a few weeks ago and he was telling me that he's perfected the short stroke on both the TX and PS. Apparently a lot of the hold sensitivity is down the the length of stroke on these rifles.



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Elliott you just have to get one mate, the PS is one of the best spring piston rifles I've shot since brings young lad. I've been through alot!


Pity your not closer as you could have come out with me and tried it.



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Will do Tim,


I still can't get over the size of that crow, biggest one Ive ever shot, you can see from the size and sharpness of that beak that they truly are dangerous vermin killing song bird hatchlings and such.


Now I just need a perm where its littered with the winged menaces! I've got the bug for them now.



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Nice one Phil sounds like a good evening even if quarry was not playing ball. A fine group and a cracking shot on the crow mate. See what you mean one big fekka. The prosport looks stunning and sounds like its shoots the same. :thumbs: ATB Aaron

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  On 27/05/2013 at 07:57, Mawders said:

Elliott you just have to get one mate, the PS is one of the best spring piston rifles I've shot since brings young lad. I've been through alot!


Pity your not closer as you could have come out with me and tried it.



I'd love one Phil!

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