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Theres Some Shit On Birdtrader

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also there seems to be loads of breeding pairs of harris` for sale cant believe how many people are moving house :whistling: and it seems imprinting harris hawks is the must have this season, countless ads of harris` for imprinting, there just trying to make a quick buck and flog the birds to somebody who doesnt know the problems with a bad imprint and are basically buying just for the cheaper price. if ever laws on breeding raptors were needed in the uk its now, the harris market has hit rock bottom :no:

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also there seems to be loads of breeding pairs of harris` for sale cant believe how many people are moving house :whistling: and it seems imprinting harris hawks is the must have this season, countless ads of harris` for imprinting, there just trying to make a quick buck and flog the birds to somebody who doesnt know the problems with a bad imprint and are basically buying just for the cheaper price. if ever laws on breeding raptors were needed in the uk its now, the harris market has hit rock bottom :no:

And so has the goshawk market..

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