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right my pup has knocked or banged his front toe yesterday it didn't look to bad so I wasn't to concerned but when ive getting in today it has swollen right up and he is not weight bearing on it at all I have bathed it in cold water to try and take the swelling down any thoughts I no the vets don't open until Tuesday.cheers

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If you can get to Robert Meek in Staffordshire then pay him a visit.


He diagnosed my bitches broken toe in seconds for £10.


If it is broken then don't be hasty in having it amputated.


This was in January, broken in 2 places...




I left it completely alone apart from ice water to bring the swelling down for the first few days.


And now she is running on it like it never happened.


Atb. Gaz.

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Any vet should confirm the break if you can't get to bone man.


My bitches toe was smashed across the joint both sides, she flew over a stone brick wall in full flight and the back foot wasn't quite clear and hit the wall.


Everyone said fetch the toe off but it has healed perfect and I'm glad I gave her the chance to keep it.


If the break reoccurs then maybe look to fetch the toe off.

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I don't know mate I ain't seen your dog. Pm gaz he'll tell you when his bitch broke its toe and didt put its foot down for a week. He just let it calas up and rested her for a while and she's great now. At work we just leave them to calus up if it's the second joint that's broke and keep them off the track for 3 months. If its the first joint( nail end) well have the toe taken off too the joint and rest again. Maybe go see a bone man Robert meek,tom peppercorn only charge a tenner atb mate

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how olds your pup, mine broke his at around 4 months never found out how, vet put it in a cast and because of his age it healed perfect and you couldnt even tell which toe was broken after a few weeks. if in doubt call the vet

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cheers steve ,I ve been out and bought some arnicare ointment and something called ice cold its for horses realy but I wanted to get the swelling down quickly,and im glad to say its working ive bathed it in ice cold water then put this clay like (ice cold ) on then a bandage it half the size now then this morning .tom peppercorn s advice by the way.he is coming up next week so he will meet me after he been to a greyhound trainer .am happier now

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