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Was Enoch Powell Wrong Or Right ?

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The soldiers should be told to pack up,and prepare for the new battlefield.in our towns and cities.The way that lad was killed.well just no other way to describe this other than a battle.Thats how th

Exactly   want to be muslim and live here under our laws....not causing any fuss nor ask for special treatment? Fine with me   want to set up your own country within ours then f**k you and die

Every appeasement by Cameron, every limp wristed effort to quell the masses is another few thousand votes he is losing. He didn't get a majority anyway, so he won't stand a chance next time. And his w

be careful what you post online lads, the thought police are already making arrests. no free speech in great britain these days.


This should be in massive letters at the top of the general forum.


Plenty of people monitor this forum as it is

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yea well if the cops are watching.take note lads you be better putting your time into watching your backs,instead of jumping all over fellow brits for having just cause to vent there disgust at what happened.could be one day the lads your lifting,will save you or one of your colleagues lifes.were all targets to these scum.

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be careful what you post online lads, the thought police are already making arrests. no free speech in great britain these days.omatt


This should be in massive letters at the top of the general forum.


Plenty of people monitor this forum as it is


no matter how many times you tell people this, it would make little difference if was in 6ft neon lights :laugh:

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The Armed Forces, and the Police, for that matter; have ALLWAYS backed the Government, as the Government represents the Queen........ however, I'll bet there are a fair few squaddies and policemen who may just stand back when we the British people start fighting back against these extremists !!!! The Government and the media, especially the left wing supporting BBC and Guardian are appearing to be traitors, appeasing and making excuses for these people !! Tipping point WILL be reached shortly !!!!

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Never thought id march with the EDL as in the past there has been racist elements amongst them but after the slaughter of Lee Rigby i had to go and at least support him and our Armed Forces Heros.

I got a big suprise'

No disorder, np fighting ( athough there were a few muslims trying to incite violence probably to discredit the EDL March.

There was a MASSIVE Police presence but they were clapped and cheered by the Massive crowd that must of been 5k in numbers plus.

I say cheered not Jeered.

You could sense the Police were all for the March.

They couldnt say it but you could sense it.

Things have changed.

Lee Rigby RIP hasnt died in Vain.

Lets all keep the Momentum going and get these Muslim Extreemists and their Leaders reigned in and Deported.

As the EDL Speakers said in their speeches.

This is not a War against Blacks, Yellow skinned folk, Indians, Hindus ect ect

Its a War against Militant Islam.

Its on everyone of Our Shoulders not to Loose this War

Vote the Spineless b*****ds that call themselfes Our Goverment Out and get UKIP in and things WILL Change.

Its up to ALL Peaceful Muslims to Sort their OWN extreemists out before Innocents get Hurt.

Enough is Enough the Time is Now.

There seems to be a blackout on coverage of the march as i can not find a thing on the net or the mainstream media :hmm:

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just read that, also just watched the BBC`s coverage of the EDL march in Newcastle, boils my piss, 1500 supporters :censored: also reporting 24 arrests however the footage they were showing was anti fascists being arrested. Why oh why does the BBC continue down this path when the blindfolds have been well and truly removed from the population in the last few days



1500 :whistling:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=WHBHDusi_6A

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Theres good and bad in every race or creed , but if you let them into your country they should abide by your laws and our government is far too soft . it would take a civil war to change things


should follow our laws,could follow our laws,would follow our laws (if we made them the same as the countries they came from)



the fact is they are a different people and cannot mix with us.

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There has been a lot of sense spoken within this topic.
I can say I agree with most comments if not all,
Just goes to show how we feel about the current situation.

Like said before on this thread....
Be careful how you phrase your posts as I have just seen on the news people are been arrested for raciest remarks they are posting on various internet sites.

The way things are now ! Britain is not great

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