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Was Enoch Powell Wrong Or Right ?

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The soldiers should be told to pack up,and prepare for the new battlefield.in our towns and cities.The way that lad was killed.well just no other way to describe this other than a battle.Thats how th

Exactly   want to be muslim and live here under our laws....not causing any fuss nor ask for special treatment? Fine with me   want to set up your own country within ours then f**k you and die

Every appeasement by Cameron, every limp wristed effort to quell the masses is another few thousand votes he is losing. He didn't get a majority anyway, so he won't stand a chance next time. And his w

Exactly :thumbs:


want to be muslim and live here under our laws....not causing any fuss nor ask for special treatment? Fine with me


want to set up your own country within ours then f**k you and die

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I read his "river of blood " speech yesterday ,he couldn't have been any more spot on than he was ....He could see , as could many others the conflict to come . Unlike the others he took the courageous step and told it as it was. How good to find a politician that tells the truth warts an all regardless of the cost .Compare him who gave his political life for the truth to the Traitor Blair who gave his country for his political life ..

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Enoch Powell was 100% right as has been proven, people can and do co exsist in peace cos it happens every day ,people showed it yesterday , but lets face it some types on each side of the fence simply will not allow the masses to co exsist in peace, they lurk in the shadows looking to exploit our fears and nightmares and it leads to things like the other day happening. So yaeah he was right, shame nobody ever thought to find a better way forward.

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If there is one thing that can come out of this horrific murder by these people is that, hopefully more people will wake up and put a tick in the box for UKIP and get rid of the governments that seem to think its right and just to defend this culture.


I'm sorry but I really have had enough of this now I can promise you one thing never have done before but I will be voting UKIP at the next election and will urge my family to do the same.

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Every appeasement by Cameron, every limp wristed effort to quell the masses is another few thousand votes he is losing. He didn't get a majority anyway, so he won't stand a chance next time. And his weak pathetic sidekick should never have had a say in anything.


Labour let them all in with their open door policy.


UKIP is the only sensible answer. And now I think they actually stand even more chance of being elected than "polls" give them credit for.

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I 100% agree UKIP is our chance to do something.
Labour started all this , Tony Blair has a lot to answer for.

The open door policy and the human rights bill roughly translated means here is how to f00k our country

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