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the 1st september

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been down the marsh the last few nights seen a few teal mallard and few greylag went this morning a see loads of teal and wigeon so its looking good for the 1st .has anyone else around the country been out and had a look to see if theres owt about let us know please thanks :good:

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it wont be long before i start seeing the big skeins of pinkfeet flying about 10 feet above the roof of my house honkining like mad fckn hundreds of them .i usually see them when im feeding my ferts at stupid o clock in the morning a red sky ,daylight just coming in,i hear them first... if its the first time that year i usually freeze momenterally till my brain registers what is going on.. the honking gets louder and louder then the point of them appears over the roofs of other house then wave after wave of skeins

go over head i can hear their feathers against the wind i can see them fanned out against the early light

i can clearly make out their beaks their feet missing feathers. the hairs on my neck stand and tingle a smile comes across my face even if i was in the field with a gun i could not fire and break up the skeins

by the time i get a shot at them they will be wary very wary flying much higher .nothing comes close to seeing that first skein of the year watching them lift from the loch in the mornings is breathtaking

theres thousands on the loch. but its always the first sighting of them that makes me pause and watch

till their out of distance

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great post ,it give me butterflies just reading it .i know what you mean i use to work for the enviroment agency working on the sea defences around the wash and when the pinks started to arrive in the wash its a great sight to see sometimes deafening too . i dont know what it is about them but when i hear the sound of them i just have to stop what i am doing and just watch them. i live right next to the foreshore and we also get them coming over all the time. i remember last year i was laid in bed when i was awakened by the sound of thousands of pinks yaking. when i looked out the window there was thousands all in skeens as far as the eye could see, they was going back north. what a sight to see carnt wait till they arrive this year.

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went down wells last night and see aload of wigeon and mallard some pinks but they dont count because they are there all year. will not be long now boys only 10 days :clapper::clapper:



i know mate decoys will be out thursday for a wash and touch up and i will blow the cob webs out my calls check all my kit see what i need new :whistling:

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Yeh cant wait but im lucky to live near an area with thousand's & love to hear the first pink & love the morning & evening flight to watch wave after wave of bird.

lot of late broods about around here not the best to pluck as like hedgehogs and not very fat.

wont bother to look for a duck till the gesse come in so usaly wait till the 1st of october and hope fully get a pinky and a few mallard :thumbs:

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