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Sorry mate that's wrong even if every Muslim was evicted tomorrow the country would still be lost. The roman mercenaries in Britain were mainly Germanic if any did become Romano Celtic whatever the anglo Saxons as explained earlier displaced them resulting in the kingdoms of England Scotland Ireland and Wales Britain as a political union has only been around for a few hundred years. Nothing's ever 100% I agree with you but to say we're mongrels is way off the mark. It's like saying Chinese or any other racial group are mongrels. The mixing of races has always lead to the destruction of civilisations that is a historical fact look recently at Haiti and South Africa google black on white crime in South Africa without the problem of Islam that is exactly where we are heading. We are a dieing breed worldwide that is a fact.

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Guest ragumup


i went to the "paki" shop nr me after work, said ay up to the little sri lankain guy behind the counter to which he replied "hello boss" smiling like a jester, always happy to see you lol all along the paper rack was a picture of that kunt with blood on his hands on the front page of them all......it hit me hard if im honest....i looked at the guy behind the counter, he looked at me and said "crazy boss,not good man"


now this guy is sound.......he once asked me to move a big industrial double fridge for him to his mates shop in the town......told him 20 quid.......did it went back for my money and he gave me and my mate 16 cans of stella on top of it......result on a red hot friday night in august lol........ :D


i strim the gardens at the back when its about 3ft and leave all the grass to dry out and then he burns it......takes me about 20 mins and he gives me 20 quid and free range of the fridge lol


he really is a sound guy......he was telling me how as a kid in sri lanka he was told to hate pakistani muslims!!!


"when you think it make no sense boss" i couldnt do nothing but shake the mans hand!


Indians and Sri Lankans are some of the nicest most hard working people you could wish to meet! And like you say, if you ever want to hear a Paki get abuse, ask an Indian what they think of them! Never should they be tarred with the same brush :no:


I am by no means a fan of Muslims/Islam (understatement of the year) but this extremist issue does seem to be more of a regional problem than a religion problem. There are around 13,000,000 Chinese Muslims, 1,000,000+ Spanish Muslims, 200,000+ French Muslims (Demba Ba, Cisse, Nasri, Ribery, Benzema, Sagna etc). We don't really hear a peep from them? I'm sure there's plenty who disagree, genuinely interested to hear opinions. To me it seems to be the region around the North East Africa and the surrounding Asian Countries that is the main 'c**t zone'.


Pakistanis, Somalis etc are, in general, complete f*****g filth. Dirty, stinking un-evolved c**ts.







This vids just for you ..... and your right about india they are for the most part good folk

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