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Donkeys have there uses, for one they, they will see off any pensioners.

Unless she has a notion of breaking it to cart the n why? Donkeys do feck all other than eat and shit... There are so many more usefull beasts out there like goats, cattle, sheep, pigs that provide yo

Is that the same as you've HEARD about other women Tarkers?

Walshie just whack a saddle over your back and let her ride you round the living room, that should appease her...she likes a good ride...so i've heard :whistling::D


Is that the same as you've HEARD about other women Tarkers? :laugh:

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There is a day in every mans life where he has to grow a set and say NO!!!


This could be your finest hour Walshie...


LAST hour more like. :laugh: I don't care if she gets one or not to be honest. As long as I don't need to clean out it's cage or take it for a walk. :laugh:

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Walshie, take heed! Donkeys are fair enough things, raised properly. But, next comes the little revelation that they're 'Herd' creatures and crave companionship.


What next? Buy it a sheep, for company? But, sheep feel more secure with a crowd of their own kind. And as for goats? I'd as soon have a crowd of f**king islamists to contend with as any more goats!


See what I'm saying though? Most people, the moment they get more than a big back garden? They think of getting a donkey.


Slippery slope.

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Crazy feckers them old Donkeys...Only last week myself and a friend were walking our hounds when we crossed a field we cross probably 5 times a week...Unknown to us, the farmer had put two young'uns in there..And they didn't like Lurchers :laugh:


My old bitch has the scars to prove it! The younger two got out of the way but the old bitch got flipped upside down and stamped on two or three times before we got her out of the way.... :victory:

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Funny thing donkeys when I was in Nz we used too have about 40 bulls on the farm and one donkey if there in a group of bulls they break up fights used too watch the donkey kick f**k out of bulls if they started too fight

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