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working borders

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i think there was a post about levi not so long ago about him not working his terriers for the last so many years,the border bitch i had was purchase of a man who got two dogs of levi oaks 20 yrs ago so i dont know what would still be in the strain after so long, however the bitch died when she was 2yr old just as she was coming along really well you should be able to pull the post up.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well thanks all for the info that i asked for , all very helpful , its just good to see that people are passionate about there borders, and want to keep a healthy working line , my border dog is now seven years old now and for some reason has only started to really go , my mate the gamekeeper says some are notorious for being late starters, and this is the reason why because of the time it takes to bring them on, otherwise he would use them all the time , myself it has been a real pleasure watching my dog learn his craft in his time , he has never let me down lately , and i thought it would not happen and i would be another dissapointed owner , yes i paid stupid money for him , and yes he has cost me more than a new mid range car over the years but he is my best mate , and he even makes the gamekeeper surprised now , it was a hard lesson for me , what with him being my first terrier and not knowing everything there is to know , but we are both the wiser , thanks once again.


ps . looking for potential bitch pup next year (border of course) :signthankspin:

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Anyone ever work levi oaks's strain of border ?

i had six borders all bred by levi oakes in the early 90s all very inbred to the dog simmy , bred by levi owned and worked ray walker ,who really kept the strain going more so than levi and bred and worked the best of this strain .about 1996 desperate for an outcross levi tried one or two pedigree borders on his inbred bitches, as far as i know most of the pups were useless . the last of the true strain were bred from two bitches called meg and buckle useing a dog from stoke called rocky between 1993-1996 . any thing after this would not be like the old stuff ,most of which were very very game . i outcrossed mine to a lakeland bitch i had from john park . the levi oakes pure border terrier is now ,to use one of levis sayings ,as rare as rocking horse shit.

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hi all

my advice is go for a none kc border terrier from working parents

i have a kc dog border. and a none kc bitch border i got off a old hunting chap

up morpath she does everything i ask of her will go to ground and has bolted foxs

taken mink ,rats and rabbits, phesents, allsorts good allround terrier does not look much

scruffy and would be laughted at in a show ring but she can hunt and has one hell off a noise

on her she leaves my mates 2 lakeland fell terriers for dead he offers me money for her everytime

we out.i payed a £120 pound for her the best money i have ever spent. as for the kc dog border

he does not no his nose from his arse and is very lazy and will be going up my girl friends

mams for early retirment if he does not book his ideas up. payed £350 for him good looker poor worker

as for me i got her spade when she was 5 months and i am gutted now she has turned out so well

she is a throw back to how the border once was. i have no doughts that if i had put her to another border

with the simler skills the pups would of been good.she takes no shit from other dogs and can fight

as the parsons jack russel found out next door when it sqared up to her. she is now just over

a 1year 8 months. i dont think i will ever get another border like her but there is good ones out there go

none kc they are not worth the hundreds of pounds look for worked ones.

not all of them are shit .i hit on lucky. good luck mint little dogs.

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hi everyone , new member to site so go easy , can anyone put me in the right direction to contacts for working border terriers, to be plain i am looking for a bitch pup from good stock , not many around i know but , being a traditionalist , i believe in them , and want to keep my dogs line going, all help would be thankful.

Ihave 2border terreier pups out off dandehow mr punch and avery good rat and bush bitch with papers thanks

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Reef,did the Park bred terrier you put the border to already have the Simmy blood in it? How did you find the cross? Cheers :thumbs:

yes g grand mother 'Fury' was out of Simmy and Lasty . the first cross boder lakelands i bred were good digging dogs ,when i put border on them again some of the three quarter breds were not so good

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