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if someone were to flick your nose you would just become more aggressive.


What i have been told is to push your finger into the ferrets mouth when its biting you so that it kind of gaggs, not ramming it in but so that it gets the point. A couple of days after doing that and they get the point, they only play bite now (mouthing)

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ok thanks for that all ill have to try gagging the litle b*stard later then lol.


Ferretlove ye i passed my test yesterday first time :clapper:


you ready for some action then :whistling:

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As a ferret newbie I have had to go through this and found that the best way was the gag method with an additional blow on face and stern NO.


Flicking or tapping their noses just seems to make them bite more as they tend to see it as a game, you can see the devil make an appearance in their eyes.


Ours have in the last week calmed right down and now only play mouth. We are at the stage now of sticking them on their backs and trying to excite them into biting. Unthought of a week ago.


If only I had so much success with Poo training. It sometimes resembles a nut house in there with shit smeared everywhere.



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My little kitt is a proper bugger where biting is concerned. I scruff her by firmly (But not hurting) holding her fur around her neck and placing her on the floor - she is unable to bite me while im holding her like this and I let her go when she stops writhing around, I then quickly give her a toy to play with to distract her from my fingers and all is well. I read somewhere that this is what the mothers do with them? So far, so good but if Im doing it wrong tell me - I can take constructive criticism.

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i may be wrong jul but i think all you're doing is taking away the opportunity to bite rather than teaching them not to bite.

better imo to use the gagging method :thumbs: the flicking method i've found works with most but as some have found it can rile the little pyschopaths into a state of frenzy :D

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Guest bitsa lurcher

wash your hands and then cover your hands in disenfectant before handling the ferrets let them bite and then laugh when you see a sharpish release , the little f**kers don't like disenfectant in the mouth ........ if you want to make it super affective remove water bottle first , after you have been biten and ferret has a gob full of disenfectant let the little f**ker wait for the water ..... a couple of days of this cured mine :victory:

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