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Pictures From My Plot (Updated July 23Rd)

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well folks things have been going great guns on the plot with all this good weather, and as i haven't updated for a while i have decided to give my latest update with progress made, so here goes.... :D these photo were taken about a week ago


my cucumber plant has started fruiting and i have had more than half a dozen cucumbers in the last few weeks.






the tomato plants have caught up fast and there are loads of green tomatoes on, and the chilli plants are flowering well.




in this photograph i have planted a hanging basket tomato plant in a pot and it has got so heavy and gone wild it tipped over with the weight there are going to be a lot of toms on this.



remember the spuds in the raised beds planted under leaves i was trying to grow, well this is the result so far in this photo they are a good foot higher than the garden fork in the foreground im hoping the spuds underneath will be doing as well as the tops.



the sprouts and broccoli (autumn calabreeze) are going great guns for some reason the calabreeze decided to sprout early and the result was some huge florets, only downside was all sprouted at the same time




look at the size of this bad boy and some of the others were bigger :toast:




the few peas i put in are straining under the weight of the crop and even though i only planted a few these are going to give a bumper harvest,




not the best picture but broad beans are doing as well also




onions and shallots are coming on a treat these photos were taken a couple of weeks ago some of the onions are now huge






beetroot and parsnips are doing really well not long now before most of the beetroot gets pickled.




my spuds that i planted in the ground have already finished flowering and i am hoping for a good crop as i mainly planted albert bartletts roosters




i have taken a few photgraphs over the last few weeks as the flowerbed has changed, the early flowering plants have started to die off and are being replaced by later flowering varieties i expect this to continue over the next couple of months.


as you can see i love to have lots of colour in the flower bed as i try to go for the EXPLOSION IN A PAINTSHOP LOOK :laugh:










A couple more up to date photos,










and last but not least a couple of pictures of my most favourite plant in the garden, dahlias these have just started flowering this week








and finally remember the ferret kits, a couple have already been rehomed to good friends and a couple have been kept for myself to be used this year.


a picture of the kits at 6 weeks old




a more recent picture of the 2 kits im keeping for this year




hope you like the update atb......jim

Edited by jimster68
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Stunning jim fair play every thing looks great. As for the calabreeze well that puts the tesco veg to shame for sure. I was feeling chuffed just because I managed to put 3 bags of broadbeans in the freezer this week :laugh:

Oh keep us posted on the rhubarb water

Edited by terryd
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