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A Quick One

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" " " Just a little question, hopefully someone can answer.


Something I've never thought of or considered before.


Say I was to get permission, as I've stated before, I walk everywhere. If I was to walk on public marked footpaths, stiles etc, to get to my permission, and those footpaths/stiles took me through land I didn't have permission, where would I stand, and if its illegal, how can I get to where I need to go.


Normally I would just get on my shoe express and go for it, but it's better to be in the know. Wouldnt wanna lose my shooter! " " "


(I did post this on a similar topic last night but no answers)

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This has been covered a bit on here I think. I'm no expert, and this is not in any way professional legal advice but you are allowed to carry your air rifle in public in you have a just reason. A public right of way across private land is just that, public, and going to a shooting permission would be a just reason.So in essence you'd be fine. All advice would be to carry it uncocked, unloaded, in a rifle case or gun slip and with your ammo in a separate bag. Whilst in the strictest possible interpretation of the law you may be allowed to walk about holding you gun in plain sight whilst walking to a permission/ club/ range, you'd be sure to expect trouble and attention from the boys in blue! Best be safe and keep it out of view as much a possible. Also any land owner who's permission you don't have but who's land you cross (on the public right of way of course!) wouldn't take kindly too guns being about. If he see's you with it all packed away and being responsible about owning and carrying it, he might even be willing to talk about permission on his land too!

Just my two pence.



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I walk to all my permissions with my gun in a bag on my shoulder and never had a problem, Ive seen plenty of police and never looked twice. I also ring 101 before I go as some of my permissions are football grounds etc in the middle of a housing estate, 101 always ask for my car reg then when I say im walking they say ahh thats fine

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Kruby01, just clocked you're from Shropshire and you shoot with a Stoeger x20. I've got one myself. Decent springer, I've found anyway. Affordable! Not keen on the trigger. Gonna fit the Charles Da Tuna kit in a couple of weeks. Hopefully that should do the job! What pellets do you use with it?

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Kruby01, just clocked you're from Shropshire and you shoot with a Stoeger x20. I've got one myself. Decent springer, I've found anyway. Affordable! Not keen on the trigger. Gonna fit the Charles Da Tuna kit in a couple of weeks. Hopefully that should do the job! What pellets do you use with it?

Yer I love mine mate, Nice and smooth for a budget rifle and upto power, also a surprisingly flat trajectory for a .22. I have looked into the charlie trigger myself but cant find a UK stockist. If you play about with the adjuster screw you can get it a bit comfier but its the second stage is awful. I use RWS superdomes in mine, I have tried about 6 different pellets and find RWS to be the best all round. How about you?

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As long as your guns in a slip and no loaded i think your fine we all have to walk at some time


That's what I thought myself but it's a question I've never addressed before so I just wanted to see others views on it. It's a catch 22 situation because a lot of the UK public rights of way paths, cut across lots of farm land, it only takes one mardy farmer to kick off, and in a way he has his rights because more than likely he's come across a poacher or 2 in the past. Keeping the gun in the slip and sticking to the rights of way should keep everyone happy... I hope ;-)

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I agree with the in a case and not loaded advice but I'll add that when I bought my rifle the gunshop owner insisted that the magazine be emptied of pellets before I left the shop. Apparently, even if the magazine is not in the gun, if there are pellets in the magazine the gun is still technically loaded.

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I reckon it would help if you had a permission letter and say that my permission is just over there and i dont drive , wonder if there would be less of a fuss if you took the bus

Edited by The one
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I agree with the in a case and not loaded advice but I'll add that when I bought my rifle the gunshop owner insisted that the magazine be emptied of pellets before I left the shop. Apparently, even if the magazine is not in the gun, if there are pellets in the magazine the gun is still technically loaded.


Is that true though? I've had this discussion with my dad before and we kind of agreed.


If the gun is in a bag and has a full magazine loaded into it but no pellet in the breech then is it ready to fire?? Unless the pull of the trigger simultaneously loads a pellet and fires it (ala double action revolvers) then pulling the trigger will do nothing and it is therfore "safe"??


Or is it?


My S200 magazine means i have to cycle a full mag to eject it, Now this means either firing off 10 shots (with a gun that'll only do 50ish) at the floor or chambering 10 pellets and decocking the bolt after every one (seriously asking for trouble). This isn't very practical when i need to cross a road or footpath so currently the chambered pellet is fired and the gun put in my bag with whatever is left in the mag left in place.


I'll probably be able to get the Police's view on this as my wifes in West Yorks police and knows a couple of the firearms team.

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