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A Broken Tail, What You Think?

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Hi all quick question for you , :thumbs: a friend of mine got an 8 week old whippet pup but the last sections of its tail is broken, bent at a 30degree angle ,question one anyway of fixing it ?Question 2 would it make any difference to it balance and turning in the future?


The las told him the mother of the pups stood on it when he was 3 days old :icon_eek:

Anyone come across this before, its only the very section on the tail . ;)

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My bitch broke hers.it had to be removed leaving it aboutt 3 inches long. She was ok on bigger things but couldn't get use to it on rabbits and couldn't turn like she did. The good thing with yours is it's only a pup and will no no difference. Mine was 3 when she done it.

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