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Rabbits Pushing Under Fencing

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Whatever you feel comfortable using.


They all have there pros and cons depending on the situation.


Can you situate a mk6 under the fence and tunnel it over?

Would a body grip in a cubby sit better?

Or is it ideal for a snare?


Or feck all of the above off and put a drop box in.


As the saying goes, horses for courses.


Let us know how you get on.

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  On 17/05/2013 at 19:19, andy67 said:

id go for a 116 bodygripper in a wire cubby .


I would like to think that too, but every situation lends itself different and its not always the case.


There is a different tool for every job, or in nowadays terms..... There's an app for that!!!!!!

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  On 17/05/2013 at 21:29, The one said:

As above depends on the holes different tools for different situation's


What?? Do you use a rabbit or a butt plug............

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As Ian has already stated a snare will be the easier option, Another alternative would be to block off the hole making the rabbits enter else where along that fence line which would be better to to trap and snare and a little less obvious or take them on the run leading to the hole in the fence plenty of options available if you think about it

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  On 18/05/2013 at 11:52, Mrg said:

I would use s drop box if I could get 1 in


Never even consider them unless it's likely to be long term use...... and I'm not keen on the digging either!


Amazing what you find in them sometimes too.

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