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Help Needed Cocker Too Friendly

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I have a 9month old cocker spaniel bitch,she is coming on really well in her training but when she goes near other dogs she goes hyper around them and I don't know what to do about it,I can't give her a kick up the arse cos the other dog owners wouldn't be too amused.She is penned up in the garden with a young border terrier and doesn't do it with her and when I let her out with my other two terriers she is also fine.Any advice welcome

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Hyper silly behaviour when meeting strange dogs is a type of submissive behaviour in a pup of that age. You need to ignore it and distract her with something very rewarding: a fur-covered dummy, or something that really gets her interest aroused. She will grow out of it providing you do nothing to encourage her, nothing being the operative word. Get her hooked on playing tug with a furry toy, so the reward of playing with you outweighs the attraction of other dogs.


Having said that, she needs to interact with other dogs on a daily (if possible) basis, for the meetings to become routine and take less and less importance in her mind. I go through it a lot with young lurchers when they meet other dogs out on exercise; annoying it may be, but it is all part of growing up. Just don't ever get angry with her: the distraction techniques will work eventually, along with maturity, but you can't expect miracles over night.

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Hyper silly behaviour when meeting strange dogs is a type of submissive behaviour in a pup of that age. You need to ignore it and distract her with something very rewarding: a fur-covered dummy, or something that really gets her interest aroused. She will grow out of it providing you do nothing to encourage her, nothing being the operative word. Get her hooked on playing tug with a furry toy, so the reward of playing with you outweighs the attraction of other dogs.


Having said that, she needs to interact with other dogs on a daily (if possible) basis, for the meetings to become routine and take less and less importance in her mind. I go through it a lot with young lurchers when they meet other dogs out on exercise; annoying it may be, but it is all part of growing up. Just don't ever get angry with her: the distraction techniques will work eventually, along with maturity, but you can't expect miracles over night.

Good advice there Mr cat and very good use of words ;)

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There are many basic things that have to be pieced together in the dog training jigsaw. Socializing a puppy doesn't get more basic in its informative years.So Don`t kick its arse !. Fortunately for you the dog will overcome its un- aided insecurities in its own time.

Funny thing this dog training crack for luring trainers into a false sense of achievement,only to find that the not so naive dog, when introduced to game, exposes all the flaws in a poor administered training programme and unlike the socializing process through maturity.It will only serve the dog to fail...

So when its raining all day tomorrow,get out with your dogs and show them the commitment that you expect of your loyal servants...


Stick in...

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There are many basic things that have to be pieced together in the dog training jigsaw. Socializing a puppy doesn't get more basic in its informative years.So Don`t kick its arse !. Fortunately for you the dog will overcome its un- aided insecurities in its own time.

Funny thing this dog training crack for luring trainers into a false sense of achievement,only to find that the not so naive dog, when introduced to game, exposes all the flaws in a poor administered training programme and unlike the socializing process through maturity.It will only serve the dog to fail...

So when its raining all day tomorrow,get out with your dogs and show them the commitment that you expect of your loyal servants...


Stick in...


i used kick its arse as a figure of speech,didn't mean it literally,though I have felt like doing it on occasions.The dog socialises every day with my other dogs and is fine it is only when out for a walk that she does it.She is my first spaniel,but I have had working terriers for over 20 years,I have been getting advice from friends who work spaniels and from watching DVDs and when I have her out in the field on her own she is doing everything I ask of her but I know that I will find out how well she is coming on when it comes to beating with her,thanks for the advice it is appreciated
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