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It could be a number of thing's..not enough or too humid..is the bator in a quiet place where it can't get knocked and is at a decent bator with good tempreture control.

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humidity i'd say mate, eggs need the humidity to be very high for the last few days prior to hatching. Although there is some phenomina called "dead in shell" i think its called, but i'd put my money on humidity tbh, needs to be at least 75 % if my memory serves me right.

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Had problems myself this time round same as a few mates ..Oxford game terrible results yet the turkey eggs were 90% hatch Same settings I always use and I usually get 80 to 90% hatch rates ..Could be this weather up and down god knows but Ive enough to last now

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I was using a Suro 20 Incubator with the turning cradle never had a problem .I stopped the cradle 3 days before hatch date and banged up the humidity at the same time to 70% . Will set another batch and see what happens .


Maybe one thing I did do different was to candle them once a week to weed out the ones that were not fertile .

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Too much humidity is just as bad as not enough mate..you only need to candle them the once and if your bator is full you best leave the lid on till 24hr's after the first egg has hatched..the humidity created by the egg's while incubated and hatching should be spot on but if you keep opening the bator you will loose the humidity.. ;)

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sounds like too much humidity to me just by the fact that they were fully formed, ive had bad hatches in the past but the only time the chicks were fully formed was when the humidity was too high. hope this helps.

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