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Most Hares On Lamp

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Unless your in Ireland coursing is illegal so no "moral" high ground can be taken imo, lots of coursing men admit to running pups through the summer on leverets and milky does yet they'll deride lads who lamp them.........double standards !!

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Why do people think it was wrong to catch hares on the lamp but thought it was fine to catch rabbits, fox etc on the lamp?   Usually these same people seem to think it was fine to catch breeding an

Get a feckin life thers no rules to this stuff whatever feeds me and the dogs gets catched day or night end of

To be honest...it's way to late in the game for me to get sanctimonious and moralistic...but with this modern technology in not sure these "what's the most" threads do us any favours...

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wait till il tell you mate no double standards here i dont summer hunt hares nor do i lamp them :thumbs::thumbs: there not enough hares in ireland to do that but theres boys here still do it :hmm::hmm::hmm:

Edited by cheeser
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:hmm: Well I would never intentionally walk out to kill Leverets or milky does.

My dogs are 'strictly ferreting' and would hardly trouble a good, strong, daytime hare,..but,..on places where the poor feckers are destined for the .22, or shotgun, I never feel bad about harvesting them...


Each to their own in the lurcher game... :thumbs:

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Ive killed hares on the lamp loads of times. Ive killed them in the daytime even more. I dont lamp the hares on my permission though as id rather save them for my coursing dogs. Anywhere else i have a run. Seen and owned some shit dogs that could kill them on the lamp. They make mistakes and dither but then so does any animal on the lamp. I know certain lads who run coursing blood on the lamp and think there dogs are good when theyve caught a few.


But in all honesty who gives a shit get on with your hunting enjoy your dogs have the craic dont get jealous or spiteful and kill everything quick dont leave it in a field for all to see.



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  On 17/05/2013 at 23:39, tjones3862 said:

i will say 1 thing the lads, who lamp them, bring them home and put them to good use,,what do day time lads do with them,,, ;)

Into the ditch Jim but thats their choice....I have took thousands with the dazzler,I don't give a hoot what anyone says,I wasted none,only ones that were wasted were the ones the plod took off me when I shouldn't of had them..never bothered them since..I could go and catch thousands more but can't be f****d with the losing dogs,motor,gear,fines and so on when things go pear shaped again because they would...anyone who thinks different is in for a big reality check at some stage..I "thought" lurchermen were supposed to be united when it comes to field sports? Holy f**k it looks like they can fall out on what time a hare gets ran?...Thank the lord I'm on the run in when it comes to lurcherwork..because at this rate we don't need any "outside interference" to make things even tougher than they are?..Opinions are fine but going beyond that line is just daft..come on guys lets get in the real world..

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thats a fair and good point raised there fugi , all in it togetha . WELL it seems there will allways be divisions and divides in the fieldports , and that be the trouble at times its solely sport to lots , where others it be different hunting for a living food for the table or just mooching for the odd or so , theres alot to be said of ones own company and when hunting atb bunnys.

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Penny Wise is also now taking a holiday from THL.


Members may not care about the law of this land, but the forum has rules, and those rules must be adhered to.


As Bosun has said, 'debate don't slate'. Subjects like this always bring out the members who want to be abusive, and wave their cocks around.


Please, please, enjoy the debate without resorting to personal abuse, or more will follow Penny and Dan.

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  On 18/05/2013 at 11:41, Matt the Rat said:

Penny Wise is also now taking a holiday from THL.


Members may not care about the law of this land, but the forum has rules, and those rules must be adhered to.


As Bosun has said, 'debate don't slate'. Subjects like this always bring out the members who want to be abusive, and wave their cocks around.


Please, please, enjoy the debate without resorting to personal abuse, or more will follow Penny and Dan.

it was bound to happen with penny wise every topic about hares he was bigging him self up and where his dogs end up if their shite :thumbs:

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  On 17/05/2013 at 10:29, tjones3862 said:

people make me piss when they say hare,s are piss easy on the lamp, i can take folk to place were you deffo thing diffrent, and im willing to take you iff any 1 wants to show me,,how easy they are,,

free night out sound................would you supply the transport and do we get to keep what we catch......

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  • 2 weeks later...

13 single 16 double people go on about them being easy at night its all about nums at night id like to see the daytime lads that say it have run after run and see if they can keep going they've tried to do it and failed dogs for day dogs for lamp I say ya want different in both daytime stuff is bread to run long bursts a lamp dog ya want to run loads of short bursts a man I no up here is a big lamping man his brother big coursing man on fens and hes tried the daytime stuff on lamp they don't last but the brother that had a dog that done 16 single on lamp picture evidence coudent kill on fen different dogs for different jobs

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