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Get Signing! This Could Be Disastrous For All Dogs

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Last year in Wrexham a couple of coppers were chasing a scally and he took a short cut and one of the coppers jumped a fence to try and cut him off....straight into a garden with two rotties in it! one of the rotties bit him....rightly so as a guard dog doesn't recognise uniforms, to the dog he was an intruder!! Anyway, the owner of the dog had to go to court and in order to keep her dogs she had to agree to keep them muzzled at all times, including when in her own property. Guess what, in February this year two scumbags broke into her home to rob her and ended up murdering her!!!! It was all over the news about her getting murdered but no mention of the fact she was FORCED to muzzle her guard dogs. A social worker I know told me about it, it's absolutely disgusting!!! And if these stupid amendments get through it's probably not going to be the last time something like this happens!



thats what i was on about in my thread, its pointless have a big type guard dog loose guarding your place, unless you there to control it.You may as well get a jack and keep it in your house, and hope the noise it make might put scum off .?

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if the owner is out and lets say a big gsd in back yard then thats just giving people a chance to steal the dog plus lets say the dog gets out of this yard thats a dog not under control which can do harm to innocent people so the police should have certain rights.. now if it was indoors then diffferent.

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