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I forgot everyone here knows it all, gimps! :thumbs:

Just my view of what ive seen!


Hi All,


This is a topic that I know will add fuel to the fire thats always burning on here!


Now it drives me mad to think that some people knock down breeds and give them a bad name for e.g. bull two big and heavy I know some people will laugh and agree but this is not the case so as we are on bull xs well start off my experience with them, personal I am a fan of a racy bull x, but horses for courses the breed in general is not a top rabbiting or hare dog but they can still do it I believe for hard game they have a high success rate but they have shortfalls such as stamina can get to them ,sometimes over heat, now I seen lots of this breed some pure sh*t and one of the best Ive seen as an all-rounder. They make a great dragging dog and they can more stick than other breeds from what I have seen. My option is, its not dog its the owner, the lads who had the bad ones werent good dog men they taught they where hard men this also gives them a bad name. Painting everyone with the same brush. They have very high prey drive and nice to work with but can fight but if reared right will be fine.


Bullx ,may it be half or ¾. out of 10 as an allrounder I would give them 7/10, they lose marks for ferreting, coursing day time hares in general and in general sometimes tend to fight.

( This is an overall view from what I have seen I have no doubt some people wont agree and will trying to prove me wrong but look every dog is different)




As for the Wheaton x weather it be 1/2 or 3/4 breed I have a soft spot for this cross, they have high prey drive and yet I think they are very like a bull cross but like the bull I seen both good and bad ones, people post topics what you think of this cross and that cross you get good and bad in everyone.

There coat is great for day time cover work and they have better stamina than a bullx and always as well able for drawing as thats what the Wheaton was for back in its day.


Wheaton x out of may it be half or ¾. Out of 10 as an allrounder I would give them 7/10, they lose marks for ferreting, coursing day time hares in general and in sometimes tend to fight. I rated them the same as the bull x as they as very alike.


The Belington cross is more of an all-rounder in my eyes they can make it at all quarry but why I dont have one and dont get me wrong on this but I dont know anyone who works the Belingtons in my area, seen 3 of them and all of them where good all-round dogs but they arent a dog you would take out smashing foxes ever night compared to the Wheaton and the bull.


I would give the Belington as an allrounder x a 8/10 , they can do it all but from what I seen hunt on abit and can give an odd bark(But so could any breed but more in the Belington)


The Collie cross, I seen alot of these dogs over the years and I have a strong option on them if you get a good one from working lines you have the best all-rounder a real pot filler, know I would like to add Im in Ireland and the terrain is different here than over the water with you guys bigger fields over wit ye lads

I know a collie who was smashing foxes ,drawing , and bringing rabbits back alive and this dog went all day long , stamina to burn compared to your terrier cross as above.


I would give the collie x a 9/10 as an all-rounder, sometimes they as too smart for there own good and dont run hard enough on the game.

Like I have said seen sh*t in ever breed.


The Saluki cross, now I havent been on this site for long and have what I have seen the Saluki boys run the show around here, so I ain`t looking for a fight just putting my option on the breeds out there for people who may have never seen these breeds, the Saluki crosses I be out with werent all-rounders as in they made great rabbit, hare and odd fox dogs, even seen a great one on deer,. but they have unbelievable stamina .The ones I seen were spot on with stock and recall no bother to them but just not my type of dog as I am always at foxes, hares are not my quarry of choice, know Ive no doubt you get good ones and bad ones of all breeds but this breed believe has a good success rate for their job which is coursing hares during the day. I would rate the saluki an 7/10,not a dog hard on big game, not a drawing dog, can be a bit noisy on anything that bites back too hard, not great at taking punishment from game.


The whippet cross know these little rockets I love to see working stamina is not the best but they are like lighting around the field ,injuries tend to shorten the life span of a few of them(Happen any dog). Really good on the turns and great fun at the races maybe not suited to the bigger game if the are racy but I have seen a few do it all but not every night of the week, even seen a handy 21` dog knock a few fallow deer. If it bites back there ok but sometimes the strength isnt in them!


I would rate these whippet xs dogs 7/10, stamnia is poor, strength can be weak enough and injury prone when working big game because of being so light! being over brave when running is a big downside also.



The Deerhound crosses I have owned and seen plenty of this crosses and there are a big gentle giant of a dog sometimes in my mind too gentle on big game. Accident prone due to being up on 29 Inc, they dont work well around barbed wire. Stamina is very good near as you get to the saluki. sometimes there height slow them down when running in cover, but this cross is well able to do it all and are very intelligent and easy work with.


I would give the deerhound x an 8/10 as an allrounder best they are abit tall for the rabbits and a bit tall for drawing,and seen a few soft ones on game!


Now I have no doubt some of you have different options please share them but not in a smart or cross way! Everything I said is based on dogs working single handed on all game day and night! Thanks for reading my rant on all the breeds Ive seen now there is plenty of mixes of all these breeds and it would take a life time to go thought it all!

Look I didn't want any fights over my view but I know every dog is diff and my not sayin this is a bible for lurchers but this is what I seen add what you see that's all!

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The only thing that is certain as regards lurchers,..is that nothing, is certain...

i'll give the thread 2/10 .   you'll have to wait untill i've a few hours spare to get into this one. i will say 7/10 for a bull cross is bolllllocks.   as you allready stated a dog is only as g

Mate why did you remove your original post... Shoulda left it up...had a quick scan earlier today and was going to come back to it...   Freedom of speech and all that...you're more than entitled t

What a lot of crap. Who's book did you read that in. I'll have a guess at a drakeford book. Get your mutts out an stop spiuting crap mate

right so brains whats crap about it? all you ever do on here is mouth off, run along now if you dont have anything good to say! :whistling:

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Your the one foolish enough to try and not only put these tyes in pigeon holes but tried to score them aswell haha. Who is to say bullx can't ferret? Who is to say all colliexs can? Haha what are you? Young or daft?

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Your the one foolish enough to try and not only put these tyes in pigeon holes but tried to score them aswell haha. Who is to say bullx can't ferret? Who is to say all colliexs can? Haha what are you? Young or daft?

oh can you read the detail i didnt say a bull cant ferret ,i didnt say any breed cant do anything im just speaking from my experince and by the sounds of it your the young daft one who has yet to learn to read right! :hmm: if you dont like ride someone elses topic!

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i'll give the thread 2/10 :laugh: .


you'll have to wait untill i've a few hours spare to get into this one. i will say 7/10 for a bull cross is bolllllocks.


as you allready stated a dog is only as good as it's owner in the majority of cases so a dog can do anything a owner teaches it as long as the dog is physically capable. IT CAN BE A 10/10 NO MATTER WHAT BREED.


I have seen 27"bull crosses turn course and catch rabbits better than a good collie whippet greyhound.


To cut a long story short there is no rule book when it comes to dogs only a guide.

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You seem to rate drawing highly among the jobs a lurcher must preform.

It's illegal, doesn't take speed or gameness and is usually done by incompetent terriermen who don't know what their doing.

drawing , please just cause your mutts wont brave in a dark hole and pull game for you! i never said any of this is set in stone just saying what i F*ucking seen in the lurcher world but look you lot know everthing and you cant teach on old dog new tricks and sure cant tell a bunch of know it all something! :censored: Piss off !

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Mate why did you remove your original post... :hmm: Shoulda left it up...had a quick scan earlier today and was going to come back to it... :yes:


Freedom of speech and all that...you're more than entitled to your opinion... :thumbs:

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Mate why did you remove your original post... :hmm: Shoulda left it up...had a quick scan earlier today and was going to come back to it... :yes:


Freedom of speech and all that...you're more than entitled to your opinion... :thumbs:

they just bite you straight away here for trying to start a topic ,they know it all so ill let the young bucks run the show! :thumbs: pm sent

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Why take it personally? There will be a lot of young bucks on here but there is also some folk who have been in game a while haha iv had my ownblurchers thirty years plus. Your post wasn't shite there was a lot of truth in it. But you tried to put dogs in pigoen holes and it just don't work like that. And most that have been about a while will know that

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