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my mate and i have been discussing this....he has a wee bull x and a smart saluki x, i have a collie x and a deerhound x in both cases 1 has tight 'button' feet and the other longer more open flexible feet, whats best ? is it a case of ones better on different ground ? i have a wee theory that given the right conditioning ie woodland walks / upbringing, beach walks (sand shingle pebbles etc) and of course road walking that you can build in strength flexibility and toughness to longer digits. my pal on here trevor w sent me some cracking pics of his dogs feet (i hope he jumps in here with them) he because of past experience is very fussy about feet and his big dogs feet are among the best i've seen. does any amount of care, nail trimming, conditioning etc really matter or is it just down to breeding / genetics ?

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In my opinion,...and it is only an opinion.....   "The best type of feet,.are those that sustain the least amount of damage, over a long period of varied work."..

You cant make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

Birddog as mentioned here are the photos,good topic it will be interesting to read the varied opinions,atb,Trevor w. Edited to add 2 more photos taken when i got him at around 4 months

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Well a hares foot is knuckled up and is fast and agile a cheetahs is long and un knuckled but is also fast and agile jmo

but a hare with a knackered foot would soon become an ex hare and a cheetah with weak feet would starve (or become veggie) are these examples down to genetics ie hard school strongest surviving thing

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:hmm: In my opinion,...and it is only an opinion.....


"The best type of feet,.are those that sustain the least amount of damage, over a long period of varied work.".. :thumbs:

fair point that, my dog Bryn never had feet probs in nearly 6 years,and he as been on alot of differnt ground in that time. So maybe colliexs have good feet, but they reckon saluki xs and deerhoundxs have good feet as well, ?? might come down to each dog then . :hmm:

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:hmm: In my opinion,...and it is only an opinion.....


"The best type of feet,.are those that sustain the least amount of damage, over a long period of varied work.".. :thumbs:

fair point that, my dog Bryn never had feet probs in nearly 6 years,and he as been on alot of differnt ground in that time. So maybe colliexs have good feet, but they reckon saluki xs and deerhoundxs have good feet as well, ?? might come down to each dog then . :hmm:


I have run Bedlington crosses for a number of years, and they also had good feet on them.

as above run them in all types of ground with no problems.

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It's nice to see a dog with tight feet although I agree with chalk warren, I've got a saluki collie deer grey, and when road walked her feet are very good tight feet like the ones above, my Beddy x bitch didn't have so nice feet a bit flatter, the big dog has had foot injurys and the Beddy x never once had so much as a knocked up toe, just coincidence maybe but versatility must come into it they were both ran on the same ground,

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