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Canada Geese On My Permission??

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an air rifle pellet will kill a goose if its placed in right spot ie head shot at a sensible or close distance -BUT dont do it if you think you might misplace your shot its not worth it & not fair

Imagine shooting a second world war german boot then cooking it for several hours in a bucket of p***!!! Thats them cooked. Don't waste your time or energy on prep or cooking.

Funny enough i have a permission , only a small holding , that has a large pond . The owners , both retired judges actually , are a bit like Tom and Barbara from the Good life and like to do as much a

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Probably come back to breed now. If you can get as close to your as we can get to the ones that come onto our shoot ponds to breed. . . . then an air rifle will do the job. But unless they are causing bother. Why now?

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I didn't mean now mate just so I no in future thanks, what are they like for eating have you ever tried it??

Imagine shooting a second world war german boot then cooking it for several hours in a bucket of p***!!! Thats them cooked. Don't waste your time or energy on prep or cooking.

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Just been talking to someone i know, and the general licence is fine with obvious restrictions, sssi's, wetlands, public places,etc. this is part of the email that was sent.


Permitted all year round in england and wales on the appropriate general licences.

And during the open season in scotland and northern ireland.


This can be an effective legal control technique. especially in rural areas. In most urban areas, shooting will not be possible because of public safety considerations.


basically you can shoot CG's under general licence.


The purpose for which this general licence applies

1. subject to paragraph 2 and a licence conditions, This licence is granted to 1 prevent serious damage to livestock,foodstuffs for livestock, crops,vegitables,fruit growing,timber,fisheries or inland water

2. Prevent the spread of disease.


You do have to be aware of the restrictions of the use of lead shot in wetlands.

And you need extra permission to carry out any shooting on a scheduled sssi, site of special scientific interest.



Hope this helps B unit :icon_eek:


atb phil

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Sorry moxy, Right, my contact has just told me that on the licence itself it mentions specifically the use of semi auto shotguns due to the welfare of the animal, and the reduced risk of wounding, So no, Air rifles dont come into it at all.


atb phil

Edited by hunter100t
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where have you deciphered that from phil?


Could you please highlight which link.


I couldn't find that anywhere only prohibited things such as expanding ammo etc


Cheers. Mick

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Its what i have just been told over the phone by someone that works at natural england, They read it straight off the licence that they give upon application, and then granted the licence. I wonder if it was a wetlands licence ? Dont want to ring back, feel like a nuisance, will ask when i see them later.


atb phil

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When I get the time I will sift through the guidelines etc but I have looked and can't find a list of permissible shooting methods. Only the odd exclusions relating to firearms.


I just think it needs clarifying in B & W. and not on the back of here say. No offence intended and thanks for your efforts.


I have plenty of geese to go at on land I work but have always wondered the legality as far as air rifles and FAC goes. As not being a SGC holder.

As with everything I like to do the asking first and not when it's too late.



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