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Another Load Of Packies Jailed

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I'm with you on that one mate.   It appears these shitbags raping white girls is not racist, but I bet the law would consider it a racist attack when you crippled one of those c*nts.

don't get me wrong there are good and bad in every race but you might get a odd white wrong un acting alone but for so many in a group to be at it there are obvious problems in the culture, belief an

We don't mix,they need cruel and barbaric governments to keep them in line,not relatively liberal ones like ours.

  On 14/05/2013 at 16:02, socks said:

A child rape ring from Oxford found guilty today ... How many different gangs of Asians are doing this ???

i cant answer your question as i dont know the answer,.............but at an educated guess i would say they been doing it and getting away with it for whatever reason and now the authorities are finding it more common in cetain ethnics and have upped there game targeting these ethnic gangs ,...........and mark my words it will be exactly the same as the celebrity peadaphiles scenario...............finding it more common and non surprising as time goes on........... it seems that as they been getting away with it for so long it opens a can of worms which will lead to more leads on asian gangs which will then see more convictions just like the bbc and there celebrity peadaphile scums,,,.,..

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  On 14/05/2013 at 16:16, marshman said:

I dont read these article anymore, but I bet they say they're being racially targeted !

but thats the reason why they been getting away with it..............its more or less the same with the celbrity peados.............they abused there position in society and got away with it,.............and the pakis done exactly the same using there racial victimisation tactics...........surprising how a celebrity or skin colour can protect you from such crimes,.......in fact its hardly surprising looking at the hypicritical pathetic w*nk stains that rule this country..........

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Tell you what kenneth old chap... I wish they would make one of them channel 4 programmes again where you can life swop homes/jobs/lives etc etc for a week.


Game on...me and you. . .

I would have a week of pure pleasure and hunting bliss...


You on the other hand...bloody hell...I dread to think what would happen. . . only 2 nights ago i had a gang of about 10 around my car trying thier games pushing me around and wanting me to climb out of van so they could beat me up... i drew the line at the stupidly unfit excuse for a pit bull sticking its head into my van window and trying to climb inside. . . I myself managed to leave the situation with my dignity intact and an apology from the biggest of the gang. . it could have ended very differently indeed and to be honest it would have been me who ended up the worst off.


I'm sure most people who live in or around big cities know what its like these days... you just keep your head down and avoid it.

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  On 14/05/2013 at 16:02, socks said:

How many different gangs of Asians are doing this ???


There were about 49-50 of them awaiting trial at the same time, the authorities decided not to try them all at the same time becaue it would have looked bad on the muslim communities

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  On 14/05/2013 at 16:34, vin said:

Tell you what kenneth old chap... I wish they would make one of them channel 4 programmes again where you can life swop homes/jobs/lives etc etc for a week.


Game on...me and you. . .

I would have a week of pure pleasure and hunting bliss...


You on the other hand...bloody hell...I dread to think what would happen. . . only 2 nights ago i had a gang of about 10 around my car trying thier games pushing me around and wanting me to climb out of van so they could beat me up... i drew the line at the stupidly unfit excuse for a pit bull sticking its head into my van window and trying to climb inside. . . I myself managed to leave the situation with my dignity intact and an apology from the biggest of the gang. . it could have ended very differently indeed and to be honest it would have been me who ended up the worst off.


I'm sure most people who live in or around big cities know what its like these days... you just keep your head down and avoid it.

I couldn't do it mate I would be in hospital or jail within a week .........

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  On 14/05/2013 at 17:58, socks said:


  On 14/05/2013 at 16:34, vin said:

Tell you what kenneth old chap... I wish they would make one of them channel 4 programmes again where you can life swop homes/jobs/lives etc etc for a week.


Game on...me and you. . .

I would have a week of pure pleasure and hunting bliss...


You on the other hand...bloody hell...I dread to think what would happen. . . only 2 nights ago i had a gang of about 10 around my car trying thier games pushing me around and wanting me to climb out of van so they could beat me up... i drew the line at the stupidly unfit excuse for a pit bull sticking its head into my van window and trying to climb inside. . . I myself managed to leave the situation with my dignity intact and an apology from the biggest of the gang. . it could have ended very differently indeed and to be honest it would have been me who ended up the worst off.


I'm sure most people who live in or around big cities know what its like these days... you just keep your head down and avoid it.

I couldn't do it mate I would be in hospital or jail within a week .........


Correct......ive a funny feeling i'd be running the c**ts over......after all i was in fear for my life.... :angel:

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