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Otter With Pike

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Winged predators can be controled under licence but its a long drawen out affair to aquire one with many rules that must be adered to .

We are carrying out a smolt sheparding trial with all shot birds being sent to the lab so if can undoubtbly proove how much damage these birds are doing to fish stocks they can hopefully be put on general licence but in this country the people who make these decisions favour the predator, rearing and releasing birds of prey prooves that and we have an over populated pest animal which is causeing damage and spreading disease amongst cattle that is the only one in the world to have its own act .

Here we have a good population of otters on our river systems but they live in there natural surroundings so have territories and do little damage to salmon stocks feeding mostly on eels but if you have an unaturaly high food source for them im sure you will find them in big numbers but like you say at the end of the day its mens livelyhoods that there affecting .

There was an interview I saw on tv a few years with a lad who ran a fishery around the upper Thames he said he didnt mind see otters but its a bit much when you come out in the morning and theres 14 in your stock ponds . :icon_eek:

Edited by jimb
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Think you would better having a cull in all these polish f--kers that a taking every fish they catch no matter what size there doing more damage Joking aside the rivers are full of otters now need to get the otter hounds back on the go

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while duck shooting last year an otter swam right up into the decoys coped on they were nt the real thing then paddled of unconcerned there a beautiful animal but can see were they might cause probs for fish farms rearing of duck etc but on the flip side its a sign that our river and lake systems are now a lot more healthy which is means all other aquatic life must be thriving aswell as mr otter would nt be barking into a hole with no rat in it so to speak !

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  • 5 weeks later...

Great pic

We have two resident otters on our stretch of the Wye that have been there at least ten years we've had no problems with them and fish stocks. Last year while salmon fishing I was upto my chest in water when a otter with kits swam out from the bank. She didn't seem fazed by me in the slightest and the kits were playing for about half hour in front of me. An incredidible sight.


I can see where they'd be a problem with stocked ponds and have seen first hand a 1/2 acre ornamental pond completely cleared out I a week by a family.

Out of interest do you boys who are effected try any deterrents?

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I know of several venue owners that have got their act together and got fences.These venues are all less than 4 acres though,and not out of the question financially.What else can anyone do about the situation,well in the absence of legally culling them theres little else anyone can do.The very people who we pay our rod licence fees to are the ones partly to blame,and it aint the bloody post office!.

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The fishery owners around the old otter trust place may not agree with you there anglians,thousands spent on fencing and still they get raped by them,go to broome pits on a night time and your'll hear them splashing around and sometimes your see them but there very shy those ones there.

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i myself love otters but have never had the privalage of seeing one in real life, but for all yous loosing out to them set deterants, fencing, traps ect, years ago there'd be a pack of hounds to control, but theyr protected these days, and theyr certainly here in south wales all over, i regulally see foot prints, spraints ect, but i myself love the otter

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