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Hi all,a while back i spoke to a member on here about using black treacle for dogs skin complaints.Not sure if its a greyhound trainer's old wives tale or if it actually works.Does treacle have any health benefits for dogs or does it have any known side effects?.

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BE CAREFUL If you give them too much they will get diabetes ................................................. :icon_redface::D sorry couldn't resist.



i'll be interested to hear this one although i can't see any obvious benefits i could be wrong.

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Hi all,a while back i spoke to a member on here about using black treacle for dogs skin complaints.Not sure if its a greyhound trainer's old wives tale or if it actually works.Does treacle have any health benefits for dogs or does it have any known side effects?.


Do you plan to let the dog eat the treacle or rub it on the affected area?

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Hi all,a while back i spoke to a member on here about using black treacle for dogs skin complaints.Not sure if its a greyhound trainer's old wives tale or if it actually works.Does treacle have any health benefits for dogs or does it have any known side effects?.


Do you plan to let the dog eat the treacle or rub it on the affected area?


lol,no if you rubbed that on the dog everything would stick to it like shit to a blanket,no fed to the dog as a supliment.atb sp.

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The only reason why ive raised this question is,i spoke to rubyjet regarding skin and hairloss and he was told by a greyhound trainer to use treacle.Ive tried to pm rubyjet but his inbox is full.Ive google searched it and cannot find anything related to dogs only the benefits for humans.Apparently treacle is very good for people having chemo to help prevent hairloss.Also plenty of other benefits to humans as its high in calcium and iron.What im trying to find out is if these health benefits can be passed onto a dog.atb sp

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Never heard anything about using treacle - at the end of the day it is sugar - not needed in people, or dogs. As for the chemo / hair loss - that is total rubbish. If treacle did help hair loss when people had chemotherapy, I am sure the NHS would have noticed that if something as cheap and easily available as treacle, could help, and they would be shoving spoonfulls of the stuff down patients throats. I also cannot find any evidence there is calcium and iron in treacle, in quantities that would be beneficial as a supplement.


If a dog has a skin complaint - find the cause ( mites, poor diet, allergies etc ) and treat it.

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Never heard anything about using treacle - at the end of the day it is sugar - not needed in people, or dogs. As for the chemo / hair loss - that is total rubbish. If treacle did help hair loss when people had chemotherapy, I am sure the NHS would have noticed that if something as cheap and easily available as treacle, could help, and they would be shoving spoonfulls of the stuff down patients throats. I also cannot find any evidence there is calcium and iron in treacle, in quantities that would be beneficial as a supplement.


If a dog has a skin complaint - find the cause ( mites, poor diet, allergies etc ) and treat it.

All my information i found was on the net,my dog suffers from bts which if you dont know means bald thigh syndrome.Which has no known cure but you can only manage the condition.rubyjet pm'd me and said use black treacle because it worked on his dog,a litter sibling to mine.

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every thing has it uses , they all laughed when they said you can use y honey & maggots to treat leg ulsers but it

works so why is black strap molasses any different.

I have never laughed at using honey and maggots - in fact in many many years of nursing, I have used them hundreds of times.


I said there was no evidence of calcium and iron in treacle - which is one of the claims you made for it


As for it helping with chemo and hairloss - that is just stupid.


Yes, all things can have a use, and you can find evidence on the net of people using all sorts of daft "cures" if you look hard enough.

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Hi all,a while back i spoke to a member on here about using black treacle for dogs skin complaints.Not sure if its a greyhound trainer's old wives tale or if it actually works.Does treacle have any health benefits for dogs or does it have any known side effects?.


Never heard of that before...try pissing in it's ear mate that might work too... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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Trust me its utter b@llocks, just found a site which claimed it could stop cancer, alas it was American so I can’t get it taken down from here, its illegal to make unfounded claims about treating cancers, will contact friends over there to sort it.

I hate cancer scammers!

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